The Board of Education recognizes that student achievement, district progress and community satisfaction with the schools are all in large part affected by the superintendent’s performance. The Board also recognizes the superintendent cannot function effectively without periodic feedback on performance, and is committed to ensuring that the superintendent is evaluated annually as required by Commissioner’s regulations.
The purposes of the evaluation shall be to:
1. Gauge the district’s progress toward the goals the Board has charged the superintendent to accomplish.
2. Provide a basis for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the Board and the superintendent and to aid in the professional development of both parties.
3. Strengthen the working relationship between the Board and the superintendent.
4. Provide a basis for commending, rewarding and reinforcing good work.
The evaluation shall focus on the goals the Board sets for the superintendent each year as well as the duties and competencies specified in the superintendent’s job description.
The procedures the Board uses for evaluating the superintendent shall be filed in the district office and available for review by any individual no later than September 10th of each year.
Ref: 8 NYCRR §100.2(o)(1)(6) (Performance review of superintendent)
Effective Date: January 10, 2023
The following timeline is based on the utilization of “SuperEval” and subject to change dependant on the agreed upon evaluation tool.
● Board and Superintendent review the evaluation process, performance standards and evaluation instrument.
● Board of Education to review/amend Board goals.
● Superintendent will develop draft priority objectives, and will meet with the Board’s Superintendent goals committee. The draft objectives from the Superintendent should support established Board goals and also, address other areas of need as identified by the Superintendent of Schools.
● The “Superintendent Goals committee” and Superintendent shall mutually agree upon the priority objectives, and upon completion, the Superintendent, in concert with the goals committee shall present the priority objectives to the Board of Education for review and feedback.
● Superintendent submits a self-evaluation to the full Board by May 1st of each year. The superintendent meets with the Board in Executive Session to provide the Board with a summary of the priority objectives with supporting documentation.
● Each Board of Education member completes and submits an evaluation to the Board President no later than the first Tuesday in June.
● The Board will conduct an executive session with the Superintendent no later than June 15 to review the completed evaluation.
Board President presents the Superintendent with the final written end-of-year evaluation that shall be included in the Superintendent’s personnel file prior to July 1.
Effective Date: January 10, 2023