1420 Complaints about Curricula or Instructional Material



The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility for the selection of instructional materials. The Board expects district teachers and administrators to recommend books and other materials in accord with sound educational principles and practices, and to use them effectively in the classrooms. However, the Board also recognizes the right of community members to voice concerns and/or complaints regarding the implementation of a particular curriculum and/or instructional material. 

Records summarizing informal resolution of any criticism of instructional materials shall be provided to  and maintained by the Superintendent. Any criticism of instructional materials that are in the schools  that cannot be resolved informally shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. The  Superintendent shall notify the Board of all resolutions. An Instructional Material Review 

Committee, consisting of an administrator, a librarian, a teacher and a parent of a student enrolled in the district, will be designated by the Superintendent to investigate and judge the challenged material.   

The committee shall make recommendations to the Superintendent concerning the disposition of the complaint, and the Superintendent will issue a decision. This decision may be appealed to the Board, and the decision of the Board shall be final. 

Ref: Education Law §§1709(15); 1711(2)(f) 

Board of Educ., Island Trees UFSD v. Pico, 457 US 853 (1982) 

Effective Date: December 7, 2021



The following procedures shall apply to the handling of complaints concerning any textbook, library book or material and any other instructional material used in district schools. 

  1. When a person has a complaint concerning a textbook, library book or other instructional material and protests its use in class or its availability in a school library, the Building Principal shall hold an informal meeting with the complainant and the teacher, librarian, or other staff member who is using or providing the book or material. At this meeting, the complainant will be asked to make clear his or her objection to the material; the teacher or librarian will be asked to explain the educational value of the material. If the complaint is resolved in this manner, the Building Principal will advise the Superintendent of the informal resolution. 
  2. If the complaint is not resolved informally, the complainant may file a formal written complaint with the Superintendent of Schools on a form provided for this purpose (Exhibit 1420-E). 3. Upon receiving a formal written complaint, the Superintendent shall designate an Instructional Review Committee, consisting of an administrator, a librarian, a teacher and a parent of a student enrolled in the district, to investigate and judge the challenged material. 4. The committee shall: 
  3. read and examine the challenged materials; 
  4. consider the specific objections to the material voiced by the complainant; c. weigh the values and faults of the material as a whole; 
  5. consider oral presentations made to the committee, if any; 
  6. where appropriate, solicit advice or opinion from other district faculty and/or relevant  professional organizations such as the American Library Association, the National Council of  Teachers of English, National Council of Social Studies Teachers; and 
  7. issue a report to the Superintendent containing its recommendations concerning any complaint. 
  8. The Superintendent shall review the report of the committee, make a decision and notify the complainant and appropriate staff. 
  9. If the complainant is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s decision he/she they may refer the complaint to the Board. The Superintendent will deliver a copy of his/her decision and the committee’s report to the Board for its consideration. The final decision shall be made by the Board. 

Effective Date: April 13, 2021


Request initiated by: Date: Phone Number(s): Address: 


Complaint represents: Self Group (name) 



Publisher or Producer: 

Publisher’s recommended grade level: 

Book AV/ Digital material Other:  

  1. Have you read/heard/seen the material in its entirety? 
  2. To what do you specifically object? Please cite specific passages, pages, etc. 
  3. Is your objection to this material based upon your personal exposure to it, upon reports you have  heard or both?  
  4. What do you believe is the theme or purpose of the material? 
  5. What do you feel might be the result of reading/viewing this work? 
  6. In its place, what work of equal value would you recommend that would convey as valuable a  picture and prospective of a society or set of values?  
  7. Do you wish to make an oral presentation of 15 minutes or less to the Instructional Materials  Review Committee? 

Signature Date 

Effective Date: April 13, 2021