1500 Public Use of School Facilities Policy and Regulation



The school buildings and grounds are maintained for the education and recreation of the  school children of the district, and no use shall be made of the buildings or grounds, which  would interfere or disrupt their most effective use for the benefit of the school children. All uses  of school buildings and grounds shall be consistent with Section 414 of the Education Law. 

Such use may take place during school hours only if, in the opinion of the Superintendent  of Schools, the use will not be disruptive of normal school operations. Both during and after  school hours, all such use should pertain to the general welfare of the school and/or community,  in compliance with the Education Law. Any such use, however, shall not be deemed an  endorsement of the activity or purpose for which the facilities are used.  

District facilities are available for not-for-profit persons or organizations if they are  recognized by United States of America, and/or the State of New York as a bona fide Not-For Profit organization. If a person or organization does not hold either of these designations, then  they may seek approval by demonstrating the not for profit status of the group and/or activity to  the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Schools. 

Excess capacity for district facilities may be offered equitably to organizations beyond  the school community. Reasonable fees as established annually by the Board of Education may  be charged for the use and maintenance of the district facilities. Specific fees as established by  the Board of Education will apply to specific venues (Auditorium, Track, Varsity Soccer Field  (interior of track), Varsity Baseball Field, Varsity Softball Field “Stadium Lighting”) and for the  remediation of any district facility. Any costs of remediation to the District’s facilities, as solely  determined by the District, are additional.  

Recognized collective bargaining units may use school facilities to conduct meetings as  specified in the collective bargaining agreement(s). 

Uses encouraged for District Residents 

In accordance with State Education Law, the following uses of school buildings and  grounds are acceptable: 

  1. for instruction in any “branch of education, learning or the arts”; 
  2. for “social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainment, and other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community”; 
  3. “as polling places for holding primaries and elections and for the registration  of voters”; and  
  4. for “civic forums and community centers.” 

Prohibited Uses of School Buildings and Property 

State Education Law and the Constitution of New York State specifically prohibit the  following uses of school buildings and property:

  1. for any purpose that will in any way interfere with the use of school buildings, grounds, or other school property by the school; 
  2. by any person or profit-making organization for personal or private gain,  financial or otherwise; 
  3. for holding a social, civic or recreational meeting or other use pertaining to the welfare of the community, unless such meeting, entertainment or use  

shall be non-exclusive and open to the general public; 

  1. for a meeting, entertainment, or occasion where admission fees are charged,  unless the proceeds thereof are to be expended for an educational or  

charitable purpose approved by the Board; and/or 

  1. for a meeting, entertainment or occasion where admission fees are charged,  if such meeting, entertainment or occasion is under the exclusive control and  the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association, or  

organization of a religious sect or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or  exclusive society or organization, other than any organization of veterans or  of volunteer firemen. 

The Superintendent of Schools will develop administrative regulations to guide the  implementation of this policy as well as for the use district facilities and equipment that may be  requested to enhance the use of district facilities. 

The use of tobacco products is prohibited in all school buildings and on school property  per Policy #1525 Tobacco. 

All requests for use of the facilities shall be accompanied by a current statement of  liability insurance from the insurance carrier of the organization requesting the use of the  district’s facilities, if deemed appropriate by the Building Principal. No request will be approved  until this information is provided. The minimum limits of liability insurance required of each  outside group requesting such use will be determined at lease annually by the district. The  certificate of insurance must list the Ichabod Crane School District as an additional named  insured. 

The contents of any production shall be subject to review based upon community  standards 

Contingency Budget: In the case of a contingency budget, the district will comply with  the guidelines as promulgated by the State Education Department, and therefore, use of district  facilities by outside organizations or individuals will not be allowed except as stipulated by law 

Concession Stand 

The District is responsible for the operation of the Concession Stands. The School  District/ Food Service Department is the licensee. 

For purposes of safety, economy and efficiency, the Board will annually designate a  single qualified group (i.e. Booster Club, PTA, or similar community-minded organization), to 

directly supervise operation of stand on behalf of District during its operation. This use would  be secondary to any school district operation of the concession stand for programmatic purposes,  and where the district maintains the right to allow other users on a case by case basis. In that  case, reasonable care would be required to safeguard the property of the designated group. The  designated group is responsible for following district guidelines and expectations for the storage,  preparation for food service and cash management. 

Any user that operates the concession stands is responsible for adhering to all NYS  Department of Health regulations. The user in all cases will be expected to clean the concession  stands and leave them as they found them or be charged at a rate of equal to the third step of the  current contract at time and one-half, plus 35% for fringe benefits to return the facilities to the  original condition. 

Access to the Concession Stand by extra-class school clubs and other school  organizations will be coordinated by the Administration with a standardized revenue sharing  arrangement.  

Fee Structure 

The Board of Education recognizes three general categories of users, and will annually  adopt a corresponding fee structure at the Organizational Meeting for the use of the athletic  fields, concession stand and auditorium, stadium lighting, and general facility usage. When a  question arises as to the proper category for a group, the Superintendent of Schools will assign a  category. 

Category 1 – School Sponsored Groups – Any group or organization directly connected with the  Ichabod Crane School District (i.e. student councils, school bands, choirs, and district operated  athletic programs) No fees will be charged. 

Category 2– School Community Groups – Those groups whose primary mission is to directly  support the school, or is primarily school related such as TEMPO, ICC Booster Club, PTA or  similar group, or is a community organization in which a minimum of 50% of the users are  district residents. Examples include, but are not limited to: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, CYO Youth  Sports, Kiwanis, church groups, Rotary and garden clubs. Fees may be charged based upon  services rendered to recapture the district’s cost in providing the access. Fee structure is stated  below. 

Category 3 – Outside/Private Groups – Those groups comprised of non-district residents and  groups having less than 50% district residents as participants will be charged fees to the extent  that the activities approved hereunder generate additional costs to the district per the structure  indicated below. 

FEES: An estimate of the fees to be charged shall accompany the notice of approval that is sent  to the organizations.

  1. If the activity is held at a time when custodians are not regularly assigned, the  organization shall pay a rate of $30 per hour. This amount will be multiplied by  the number of custodians assigned to the activity.  
  2. If the activity requires the use of a kitchen facility, a member of the kitchen staff must be present. If the time of the activity requires that the  

staff member work overtime, then the organization shall be charged for  

that individual’s time at a rate of $30 per hour. 

  1. If the activity requires the services of students to operate stage lights,  projectors, etc., a charge will be made equal to the prevailing minimum 

wage multiplied by the total number of student hours worked. The money will be used to fund the stage crew’s extracurricular activity account.  

  1. All fees shall be paid upon receipt of a Statement of Charges from the school  district. 
  2. No refunds due to cancellation, unless the group provides a minimum of 24 hours  notice to School Administration of their intent not to use the facility on a specific  date. 

Specific Fees for Auditorium Usage 

The district contracts to provide training on the equipment. Various members of the  teaching staff as well as student members of the Stage Crew Club are trained. If a trained teacher  provides the supervision and oversight of the equipment operations, then they will be paid the  supervisory rate per the teacher contract. 

Remediation of Damages – Time and Material basis at Board approved rates. Cross Ref: 1511, Advertising in the Schools 

Effective Date: January 8, 2019


Procedures for Facilities Use by Outside Organizations  

  1. All use of building facilities except gymnasiums and the concession stand will be the  responsibility of the Principal of the school in which the space is requested. All requests  for use of gymnasiums and the school grounds will be the responsibility of the Athletic  Director. The Food service Director is responsible for the approval of the concession  stand, and when appropriate, will work directly with the Athletic Coordinator, Supervisor  of Buildings and Grounds and/or the Appropriate Building Principal during the approval  process. Forms should be returned to the appropriate Building Principal or the Athletic  Director. Principals will send copies of approved requests to the Athletic Director, who  will be responsible for preparing and updating a calendar of use of the district’s facilities.  
  2. All organizations requesting use of a facility must do so in writing on the appropriate  district forms. Forms are available in the main office of all district buildings. Requests  must be made at least three weeks in advance for a single date. Seasonal requests must  be made at least two months in advance. 
  3. Before approving building use, the appropriate administrator must determine the  availability of the requested space, custodians, and any special equipment that is  requested.  
  4. When making requests, organizations should include time for preparations and for  cleaning up after the event. Organizations will be expected to be completely out of the  building at the time specified on their approval forms. Failure to leave on time or to  clean up thoroughly may result in an additional billing. Such billing may occur even if  the extra time occurred during regular custodial hours. 
  5. Scheduled/rescheduled school-sponsored activities, classes, meetings, etc. will have first  priority over all requests by outside organizations.  
  6. All organizations shall provide appropriate adult supervision for their activity. Failure to  provide adult supervision may result in the rescinding of permission to use the district’s  facilities. This failure may also be taken into account when considering future requests  by the same organization.  
  7. A custodian or administrator must be present in a building during all activities.  Assignment of custodians shall be at the sole discretion of the school district. The  designation of an employee other than a custodian or an administrator is at the sole  discretion of the district and in extenuating circumstances only. The district will  determine custodial requirements. The cost of such assignment when it occurs outside  regular working hours shall be paid by the group or organization using the facilities at a  rate to be determined by the district. 
  8. When multiple requests for use of the same facility at the same time are received, every  attempt will be made to accommodate each of the organizations. The district reserves the  right to rescind or amend all approvals. Such action may be taken to honor the request of  organizations, which are received subsequent to approval being given to another  organization. Organizations for whom approval is to be rescinded or amended will be  given two week’s notice by the appropriate administrator. This right to rearrange the  schedule is reserved in order to provide all outside organizations with a fair opportunity  to use district facilities.  
  9. All decorations must be flameproof and they must be removed after the activity is over.  
  10. Cancellation of scheduled activities: 
  11. In the event that an activity must be canceled because of a change in school activities, emergency closing or other similar circumstances 

every effort will be made to notify the organization(s). 

  1. If the canceled activity is a single date request, such as for a speaker, the district  will make every effort to accommodate the rescheduling of the event. 
  2. If the canceled activity is one that occurs on a regular basis, that time  will not be rescheduled. 
  3. Damage to district facilities and/or equipment: 
  4. If any district facility or equipment is damaged, the member of the  organization who is in charge must notify the school district employee 

 on duty.  

  1. Organizations will be responsible for paying for all repairs and/or  replacement costs incurred as a result of damage caused by misuse or 

abuse of school equipment or facilities. 

  1. Any organization that fails to comply with any of these rules may:  a. have some or all current or future activity approvals revoked; 
  2. be banned from using district facilities for a period of time to be  

determined by the Superintendent. 

  1. When appropriate, organizations may be informed of the annual cleaning and field maintenance schedule. This schedule will identify specific times throughout the year  when specific buildings will not be available in order to facilitate cleaning and  preventative maintenance. 

Specific Regulations: Concession Stand 

Pursuant to Board Policy #1500, groups interested in operating the concession stand should  notify the Superintendent of Schools in writing by June 1. The Board of Education will  determine annually the designated group to operate the concession stand, under the direction of  the food service director. The appointed group is responsible for following the district  expectations as articulated by the Food Service Director.

Specific Regulations: District Athletic Facilities 

The district will make the certain athletic facilities available for use by the public as stipulated  below: 

Varsity Soccer Filed (interior of track), Track, Varsity Softball Field, Varsity Baseball  Field, Varsity Soccer Field: May 1-Monday after Columbus Day Holiday (subject to change  based upon weather conditions, or inability to prepare the fields due to weather conditions) 

Certain pieces of equipment will be made available to users. Requests for any items not listed  below our out of the “regular” season may be requested. The Superintendent of Schools will  determine if the request will be approved. 
































HIGH JUMP  X-During  


X-Outside Season


LIGHTING  Fee Schedule


Challenge Course: Available by appointment only. April 1-June 20 & September 1-October 15  (June 21-August 30 depending on staff availability). A member of the district’s physical  education staff must supervise all use, which is available for a fee (subject to change based upon  weather conditions or inability to prepare the fields due to weather conditions) 

Other District facilities: 

JV Soccer, August 15-November 1* 

JV Softball, May 1-August 15* 

Modified Fields at MS, Year round availability (field conditions permitting) Fields at Primary School, Martin H. Glynn School and Martin Van Buren School, Year  round availability (field conditions permitting) 

Shot-Disk, Special Circumstances Only 

Tennis Courts 

April 1 – October 30 

*Field usage in the off seasons may be approved depending on the availability and  condition of the venues, which will be determined on a case by case basis.

Specific Regulations: Auditorium 

 Restriction Rationale Restriction*  

Control Booth to avoid highly yes* sophisticated and expensive 

equipment from being damaged 

Rigging misuse could be a safety hazard yes* 

Nothing affixed to to avoid potential damage yes* walls, curtains, scrims 

Use of other equipment not Items like risers and piano are stored in yes* specified in the basic the area. The piano would need to be 

equipment list tuned, the risers need proper setup. 

*removed if district trained or district approved person is supervising 

The building principal who is responsible for the approval or approval of the facilities’ use  will also have responsibility for evaluating requests for affixing items to the walls, curtains or  scrims and/or for use of other equipment not listed as basic.  

 The building principal is responsible for approving a non-district-trained person to use  district-owned equipment. 

Basic equipment that would be available as a part of the auditorium use approval. The onstage (everyday) system for basic lighting and sound. Several possible lighting  settings are available along with 6 general-purpose microphones with stands, and  cables. A podium, CD/tape player, LCD projector, and screen will also be made  available. 

  Note: Although not required, a group might wish to hire a trained district person to be present. Use of School Facilities by School Personnel 

Any use of school facilities for school-related activities will be scheduled through the Building Principal in consultation with the Director of Facilities. 

No students are allowed in a school building unless a teacher is on duty. Scheduling in advance  will ensure that the space requested is available and not given  to outside groups. 

Effective Date: June 7, 2016