1510 Public Sales on School Property




The Board of Education believes that fund drives and/or materials drives should be conducted only when there is some educational benefit for the student.  The administration should approve and schedule these activities so as to eliminate the possibility of many drives being conducted simultaneously.

Any fund drive must be sponsored by the school district, or a school-related organization (i.e., the Parent-Teacher Association).

Funds raised through school-sponsored activities must be deposited and accounted for in the extra-curricular fund.  Accounting for funds raised by school-related groups are the responsibility of such groups.

Fund drives sponsored by the school district involving door-to-door solicitation should be kept to a minimum and approved in advance by the Building Principal and/or Superintendent of Schools.

Soliciting Funds from Staff

No solicitor, salesman or agent shall come into any school building or upon any school property and solicit business other than school business, from any school employee.  

School Related Sales

District originated sales calls can be scheduled by an employee by appointment at the convenience of the district employee. The Superintendent of Schools must approve unsolicited sales calls in advance.

Cross-ref: 1511, Advertising in the Schools

Effective Date: March 3, 2009