The Board of Education recognizes that those district parents with disabilities which would preclude them from taking part in the development of their children’s education program must be afforded an opportunity equal to that afforded other parents to participate in school-initiated activities which are designed for parental involvement and are directly related to their child’s academic and/or disciplinary progress (e.g., parent-teacher conferences, and/or meetings with other district personnel).
The Board therefore directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop a plan and procedures for accommodating the special needs of parents with disabilities. Such plan must include:
- a channel for parents with disabilities to present a self-assessment of their special needs and the desired means of accommodating such needs;
- a formal communication of the district’s intent to accommodate such need, with reference to the specific means the district intends to utilize (e.g., sign-language interpreters); and
- a channel for parental appeal, should the district’s proposal not satisfy the parent’s request for accommodation.
During the hearing of such appeal, if the district has denied accommodation, or has proposed an alternative plan for accommodating a parent’s request, the district will explain the reasons it believes that such denial or alternative plan is equally effective in ensuring parental access to the school activities described above.
Ref: Rehabilitation Act of 1973, §504; 29 USCA §
34 CFR § 104
Education Law §310
Rothschild v. Grottenthaler, 907 F2d 286 (2nd Cir., 1990)
Rothschild v. Grottenthaler, 716 F Supp 796 (SDNY, 1989)
Effective Date: May 17, 1994
Needs Assessment
At the start of each school year, a form (1920-E.1) will be posted on the district’s webpage and distributed to all parents/guardians of district students, on which they may indicate whether they possess a disability which would preclude them from taking part in the development of their children’s educational program without the provision of special services by the school district. Such form will also provide parents/guardians an opportunity to present a self-assessment of their specials needs, and suggestions for the means of accommodating such needs.
Upon receipt of a completed form, the Superintendent of Schools or designee will provide a reasonable and appropriate means of meeting such parental needs. The Superintendent or designee will take into consideration the parents’/guardians’ self-assessment of such needs and preferred means of accommodation, but reserves the right to make the final decision in choosing an appropriate means of accommodation. If a parent/guardian’s does not feel that their needs are being met in a satisfactory manner, the parent/guardian may make an appeal to the Board of Education for an alternate accommodation.
Appeals Procedures
If, in the judgment of the parents, the district’s proposal proves unsuitable, or fails to satisfy the parents’ request for accommodation, the channel for parental appeal of district action/inaction on this matter will be as follows:
- informal conference with Superintendent of Schools and other appropriate personnel;
- filing of appeal form with district office (1920-E.2);
- formal conference with an action by the Superintendent;
- if not resolved at this level, an opportunity to make an appeal to the Board of Education
- the decision of the Board, in which the Board explains the reasons it believes that such denial or alternative plan is equally effective in ensuring parental access to the school activities described above; and
- notification to the parents that they may appeal the Board’s decision to the Commissioner of Education (pursuant to Section 310 of the Education Law).
Effective Date: March 4, 2009
Parental Disability(ies) Needs Assessment Form
The Board of Education recognizes that those district parents with disabilities which would preclude them from taking part in the development of their children’s education program must be afforded an opportunity equal to that afforded other parents to participate in school-initiated activities which are designed for parental involvement and are directly related to their child’s academic and/or disciplinary progress (e.g., parent-teacher conferences, and/or meetings with other district personnel).
The purpose of this form is to provide an opportunity for such parents to identify the special accommodation they desire. Parents are under no obligation to complete this form.
To: Superintendent of Schools
Ichabod Crane Central School District
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
The following list indicates the disabled person(s) in parental relation to a district student, as well as the desired special services (e.g., sign language interpreter, braille documents) to be provided by the district during academic-related functions (e.g., parent-teacher conferences):
Name: _________________________________________________________
Disability: _______________________________________________________
Request for District Services: ________________________________________
Please consider this request for accommodation and respond in writing to the above address. I/We understand that this self-assessment of needs and preferred special services will be taken into consideration prior to the district’s response, but the completion of this form does not constitute an immediate approval of such services. I/We also understand that the district grants the right to appeal any decision reached on this matter by the Superintendent of Schools and/or Board of Education.
Signature:_____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature:_____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Effective Date: May 17, 1994
This document constitutes a formal communication of the district’s intent to accommodate parental needs as requested on form 1920-E1.
From: Superintendent of Schools | Ichabod Crane Central School District
To: Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
The Ichabod Crane Central School District hereby;
__ grants your request for special accommodation of a disability at academic-related functions (e.g., parent-teacher conferences). The following explanation indicates the special services the district intends to utilize (e.g., sign-language interpreters; braille documents):
__ denies your request for for special accommodation of a disability at academic-related functions (e.g., parent-teacher conferences). The following explanation indicates the reason(s) that such denial does not preclude parental access to those school activities which are directly related to your child’s/children’s academic and/or disciplinary progress:
NOTICE: You have a right to appeal the decision regarding special services described in this communication to the following school officer:
Superintendent of Schools
Ichabod Crane Central School District
Who will fully explain his/her reasons for denying the initial request and/or not utilizing the requested means of accommodating in writing within two weeks of receipt of an appeal.
I hereby appeal ___________________________________ ________________
(signature) (date)
NOTE: Upon denial by the Superintendent/Board of Education, parents have the right to file an appeal with the Commissioner of Education (as per Section 310 of the Education Law). Such appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days of the final action by the Board. Information regarding such appeal is available at district offices.
Effective date: May 17, 1994