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UPDATED: Our initial post said Mr. Farley’s leave would begin on October 2. This was a mistype, his leave begins on October 15 and the original post now reflects this.

Begin Original Post
Ichabod Crane Middle School Principal, Timothy Farley, will be on medical leave for approximately 4-6 weeks as of October 15, 2019.

The following message from Interim Superintendent Bordick informing parents/guardians of Mr. Farley’s leave went home with all Middle School students at the end of the day. The English and Spanish text of the letter is provided below in full, as well as PDFs of both versions of the letter.
Middle School Letter Parent/Guardian Letter (sent home on October 2, 2019)

Dear Parents/Guardians:
During the summer, Mr. Farley advised me of his need for a medical procedure in the fall. In anticipation of Mr. Farley’s medical leave of absence. district administrators had discussions regarding the best course of action to ensure the educational program continues at the same level of quality. To that end, Mr. Anthony Marturano is being recommended for Board approval as Acting Middle School Principal effective October 15th. It is expected Mr. Farley’s medical leave will be four to six weeks. Mr. Marturano served as the Assistant Middle School Principal for five years before transferring to the position of Assistant High School Principal in September 2018. Mr. Doug Kelley is being recommended for Board approval as Interim Assistant High School Principal during this period. Mr. Kelley, a retired school superintendent, has held several Ichabod Crane administrative positions in the past several years. The Board of Education will consider both appointments at its October 8th meeting.
We all wish Mr. Farley a speedy recovery and speedy return to the Middle School.
Lee A. Bordick
Interim Superintendent
Ichabod Crane Central School District
518-758-7575 x 3002


Middle School Letter En español

Estimados padres I tutores:
Durante el verano, el Sr. Farley me inform6 de su necesidad de un procedimiento medico en el otofio. En Anticipando la ausencia medica de! Sr. Farley, los administradores de! distrito discutieron con respecto al mejor curso de acci6n para garantizar que el programa educativo continue al mismo nivel calidad. Con ese fin, el Sr. Anthony Marturano esta siendo recornendado para la aprobaci6n de la Junta como Director I nterino de la Escue la Secundaria a partir de! 15 de octubre. Se espera que la ausencia medica del Sr. r arley sea de cuatro a seis. semanas El Sr.
Marturano se desempefi6 como Subdirector de la escuela secundaria durante cinco afios antes. transferido al puesto de subdirector de Ia escuela secundaria en septiembre de 2018. Sr. Doug Kelley esta siendo recomendada para la aprobaci6n de la Junta como Subdirectora Interina de esta escuela secundaria durante este periodo. El Sr. Kelley, un superintendente escolar retirado, ha ocupado varios cargos administrativos en Ichabod Crane en los (1ltimos afios. La Junta de Educaci6n considerara arnbos nombramientos en su reunion de! 8 de octubre.
Todos deseamos al Sr. Farley una pronta recuperaci6n y un rapido regreso a la Escuela Intermedia.
Lee A. Bordick
Interim Superintendent
Ichabod Crane Central School District
518-758-7575 x 3002