If you didn’t already know, December 5 (today) is Martin Van Buren’s birthday. The eighth President of the United States, Van Buren was born in Kinderhook and returned here near the end of his life as well. The town holds an annual recognition ceremony at his gravesite in the Kinderhook Cemetary. It’s a tradition to start the ceremony with a short presentation by Ichabod Crane students where they talk about Van Buren’s life and accomplishments. As always they did a respectful and great job at, even in the cold weather!
Ichabod students who participated in the Martin Van Buren Ceremony this year are below. All students are in 4th-grade at Ichabod Crane Middle School:
- Gabriella Bock & Madelynn Reinoehl (Mrs. Kirker’s class)
- Anthony Scott & Bylin Seiger (Ms. Mallery’s class)
- Erica Breen & Lucas Kratt (Mrs. Miller/Mrs. Marcella’s class)
- Jennifer Chun-Lopez & Jocelyn Cruz-Loyola (Ms. Palmer’s class)
- Jack Casey & Evan Mulica (Mrs. Rickert/Mrs. Ooms’ class)
- Madison Hayes & Macy Trainor (Mrs. Walsh’s class)