A quick message from the PTA about the Book Cart and new Monthly Book Sales:


We are happy to announce that there will be a monthly book sale for ALL Middle School grades during lunch. Our monthly book sale will replace the Friday morning book cart for grades 4 & 5, allowing more time for all students to browse and purchase a larger selection of books for only a quarter each.*

  • Last 4/5 Bookcart: Friday, January 24
  • February Lunch Book Sale: Tuesday, February 4
    • Snow date: Tuesday, February 11
  • March Lunch Book Sale: Tuesday, March 3
    • Snow date: Tuesday, March 10

Book cart is requesting book donations for ALL grades from K–8. Donations may be left in the book bin which is in both the Primary and Middle School’s vestibule.

Thank you for your generous support of our students!
*Primary School Tuesday and Thursday Book Cart is unaffected by this change.