Updated (September 4, 2020)
Original Posting (July 23, 2020)
Please use the revised supply lists below which now have personal hand sanitizer excluded. To remain compliant with New York State health and safety guidelines students should not bring in personal hand sanitizer. They should only use the district approved hand sanitizer that will be widely available in the school buildings.
The 2020-2021 school supply lists for Ichabod Crane Middle School (grades 4-8) are available online below.
While the reopening plans for the 2020-2021 school year are still being finalized, students will need most of these supplies regardless of the learning model for next year.
- 4th Grade School Supplies for 2020-2021 (Updated: August 20)
- 5th Grade School Supplies for 2020-2021 (Updated: September 4)
- 6th Grade School Supplies for 2020-2021
- 7th Grade School Supplies for 2020-2021 (updated: August 13)
- 8th Grade School Supplies for 2020-2021
Art Supplies (Added: September 3)
The following are the minimum materials necessary to have for hybrid learning art projects at home.
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Glue
- Colored pencils 10-12 color set
- Markers 8 color set
- Large eraser
- Pencils
- Pens