Whether because of choosing remote learning this year or because of the need to quarantine, Ichabod Crane has students virtually attending school from home during parts of 2020-2021. Even when attending school from home, we ensure Ichabod students still have access to all the school services they would have if attending in person.

Part of this includes making sure we provide meals for all our remote learning students who need or request them. Thanks to the hard work and effort of the Ichabod Crane Food Services and Transportation Departments, we have been making and delivering an average of 1,100 meals per week to our remote learning students.  Additionally, since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, we have provided over 58,000 meals to our remote and in-person learning students.

Any Ichabod Crane families interested in meals for remote students can fill out the Request for Student Meal Delivery Form here. For more information, you can also contact Food Services Director, Todd DiGrigoli, at tdigrigoli@ichabodcrane.org