We are pleased to offer our community the “Parents as Partners” 10-part webinar series with Educational Consultant and Trainer Dr. Jennifer Bashant. Dr. Bashant is the founder of Building Better Futures LLC and provides a number of different opportunities for parents and educators to help children succeed in school.
Registration is required. Please email kristen@buildingbetterfuturesllc.com to request the Zoom link and password. Even if you are unable to attend live, by registering you will automatically receive a link to the recorded session after the live webinar. Recordings will be available through June 2022.
The series begins on August 31 with “Returning to School: Help Your Child Have a Smooth Transition” from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Whether your child was fully remote or a had a hybrid schedule last year, there will likely be many things that will look different as September rolls around and we begin a new school year. Returning to school after summer vacation during a typical year is often anxiety provoking, but your child will probably be facing many unknowns that will require flexibility and resilience. During this webinar, learn three ways to help your child transition into a new school year with ease.
The webinars will continue monthly, on the dates listed below. Or, you can download a PDF of the schedule here. All webinars will run from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
September 21: “Building Empathy and Compassion in Your Child”
The ability to have empathy, or identify with the feelings of another, is an important skill for making and keeping friends. Some of the best leaders are empathic and have compassion for themselves and for others. During this webinar, you will learn how to foster empathy in your child and help them to see the world through the eyes of others.
October 20: “You Must be at Your Best to do Your Best: Self-Care in Six Domains”
Parents and caregivers have one of the toughest (yet most rewarding) jobs on earth! Raising a family requires a lot of energy, patience and consistency, which can take a toll. With stress and anxiety levels at an all-time high, learn about the six areas of your life that require your care and attention, and leave with a plan to incorporate self-care into your days and weeks.
November 18: “Recognizing and Coping with Your Child’s Anxiety (and yours)”
At least 20% of children in this country have a diagnosable anxiety disorder, but anxiety can be hard to recognize because it often masquerades as anger or behavioral challenges. This workshop will show you what to look for, and how to recognize the different types of anxiety, as well as the six lies that anxiety tells. You will leave tips and strategies for helping your child cope with and overcome anxiety.
December 14: “Natural Ways to Boost your Mood and Improve Your Sleep”
During this webinar, you will learn about ways you can improve the quality of your sleep and ensure that you are getting the optimal amount of sleep each night. Your sleep habits have a direct impact on your physical and mental health. Dr. Bashant will also share 10 natural ways you can improve your mood as we weather the cold and darkness of winter. You will leave with specific ideas about how you can start feeling better right away
January 19: “When Stars and Stickers Don’t Work – Motivate Your Child from Within”
Motivation is a peculiar thing! Most of us were raised with behavioral reinforcement systems, such as earning TV time forgetting chores done and a little extra money for good grades on report cards. For some kids, systems like this work well enough, but for kids with challenging behavior, behavioral systems often make things worse! During this webinar, you will learn about the three aspects of intrinsic motivation, or being self-motivated, and how to implement them at home!
February 17: “Build the Cognitive Skills Your Child Needs to Succeed in School and Life”
According to over 40 years of neuroscience research, all challenging behavior can be linked to one or more cognitive skills that are lagging. The five cognitive skills that play a crucial role in behavior are (1) emotion regulation, (2)executive function, (3) cognitive flexibility, (4) language processing and (5) social skills. During this webinar, you will learn about each of these skills, how they contribute to challenging behavior, and what you can do to build these skills.
March 22: “Help Your Child Learn to Manage Strong Emotions”
Being able to recognize the physical warning signs and knowing how to regulate the body in order to manage strong emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness and even elation, are skills that must be developed and practiced. For some children, this is more challenging and emotion regulation strategies must be explicitly taught. During this webinar, you will learn how to use mindfulness, art, soothing music and physical activity to help your child develop a toolbox of strategies that work for him/her.
April 20: “Be Present, Be Curious and Be Understood with Mindful Parenting”
Truly listening with curiosity and the intention to understand another’s perspective is a gift you can give to your child. As parents, we often feel like we need to jump in and solve the problem when we see our children struggling. However, allowing your child to feel heard and understood is a powerful way to connect with them and show them support. During this webinar, you will learn the three steps of mindful communication and how this can open the door to a stronger relationship which is built on trust.
May 19: “Boost Your Child’s EQ: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Social Relationships”
Did you know that emotional intelligence is the number one quality that employers are seeking in new hires? Did you also know that emotional intelligence is not fixed, and can be developed? During this webinar, you will learn about the different aspects of EQ, and how you can help your child improve their emotional intelligence in order to improve their social skills and social relationships.
About Dr. Jennifer Bashant:
Jennifer L. Bashant, Ph.D., LMSW, MA, founder of Building Better Futures LLC, is an Educational Consultant and Trainer, with the mission to provide educators with evidence-based strategies to reduce challenging behavior in the classroom, and therefore, have a positive impact on learning. She is extremely passionate about her work, which is evident in her high-energy, engaging trainings and in her ability to connect with educators in a compassionate and authentic way.
Jennifer provides training and embedded coaching to educators regarding the most behaviorally challenging students. Her approach is trauma-sensitive and strengths-based, and she seeks to foster collaborative relationships between educators and students as they work together as partners in learning. Jennifer has been trained in Collaborative Problem Solving and the Mindful Schools
curriculum for students ages kindergarten through grade 12.
As a certified DiSC Trainer and a certified EQ-i 2.0 Trainer, Jennifer also works with administrative teams, building leadership teams and teachers about emotional intelligence and how to communicate more effectively.