2121 Board Member Qualifications



The qualifications of a member of the Board of Education are that the individual:

  1. Must be able to read and write;
  2. Must be a qualified voter of the district; that is, a citizen of the United States, at least eighteen years of age or older, and not adjudged to be an incompetent;
    (Note: a convicted felon is barred from running for a seat on a board of education if his or her maximum prison sentence has not expired or if he or she has not been pardoned or discharged from parole)
  3. Must be and have been a resident of the school district for at least one year prior to election;
  4. May not have been removed from any school district office within the preceding year;
  5. May not reside with another member of the same school board as a member of the same family;
  6. May not be a current employee of the school district; and
  7. May not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office.

Ref: Education Law §§2102; 2103; 2502(7)
Election Law §5-106(2)-(4),(6)
Rosentock v. Sacringe, 40 N.Y.2d 563 (1976)
Matter of Schoch, 21 EDR 300 (1981)

Effective date: June 7, 2016