2210 Board Organizational Meeting



The Board of Education recognizes its obligation to hold an annual organizational meeting. The purpose of the organizational meeting shall be to elect officers of the Board and make the proper appointments and designations of other district employees for the proper management of the school district during the school year. 

The Board will hold its annual organizational meeting on the first Tuesday in July. If that day is a legal holiday, the Board will hold the meeting on the first Wednesday in July. The Board may alternately hold the meeting on a date during the first 15 days in July that is not a legal holiday. The Board will choose this date by resolution at a Board meeting before July. 

The District Clerk will call the meeting to order and preside until the election of a new president. The order of business to be conducted at the organizational meeting shall include items required or implied by state law and/or regulation. The Board may also conduct general district business, including properly entering into executive session, if necessary, at the end of the meeting before adjourning. 

I. Oath of Office 

The District Clerk will administer and countersign the oath of office to newly-elected Board members who have not already taken the oath of office, or plan to within 30 days after commencement of their term. The oath will conform to Article XIII-1 of the New York State Constitution, and Section 10 of the Public Officers Law, Any oaths taken outside of the Organizational meeting will be entered into the minutes of the next Board meeting. No new Board members may take office or vote until they have taken the oath of office.

II. Election of Board Officers

The Board will elect a president and a vice-president for the ensuing year, and the District Clerk will administer the oath of office to them. A majority of all members of the Board is necessary for a valid election. 

III. Appointment of District Officers 

The Board will appoint and the Board President or District Clerk will administer the oath of office to the following district officers: 
District Clerk Internal Claims Auditor 
District Treasurer Tax Collector

IV. Appointment of Other Positions

The Board will appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following positions: 
Director of School Health Services School Attorney 
Designated Education Official Internal Auditor 
External Auditor Records Access Officer
Records Management Officer Asbestos Designee 
Audit Committee Treasurer(s) of Student Activity Account Purchasing Agent Deputy Purchasing Agenda 
Dignity Act Coordinator(s) McKinney-Vento Liaison 
Data Protection Officer Residential Facility Transition Liaison(s) Committee on Special Education (CSE) 
Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

V. Bonding of Personnel

The Board will bond the following personnel handling district funds:

District Clerk School Attorney
Tax Collector Internal Claims Auditor 
District Treasurer Treasurer of Student Activity Account The Board may, in each instance, specify the amount of the bond it intends to obtain. The Board may, rather than bond individuals, include any of the above officers in a blanket undertaking, pursuant to law and Commissioner’s Regulations.

VI. Designations/Approve

The Board will designate/approve: 
Official depositories for district funds 
Official district newspapers 
The Law Enforcement Unit 
The day and time of regular meetings 
The rate for mileage reimbursement 

The Board will also adopt the rotational list of impartial hearing officers for the district as provided by the State Education Department. 

VII. Authorizations: 

of person to certify payrolls; 
of attendance of conferences, conventions, workshops, etc.; 
to establish petty cash funds (and to set amount of such funds)l
to designate authorized signatures on checks; 
of positions entitled to use district-owned cell phones and credit cards;
and of Board representative(s) for appointing Impartial Hearing Officers 

The Board will review its policy on Investments (6240) and Purchasing (6700), the Code of Conduct (5310), and Parental Involvement (for title I) (1900), as required by law. The Board will also review building-level student attendance data as required under Commissioner’s Regulations section 104.1, and if the data shows a decline in attendance rates, will review and revise its policy on Attendance (5100).

Cross ref:
1900 Parental Involvement
2200 Board Officers
5100 Attendance
5252 Student Activities Funds Management
5310 Code of Conduct
6240 Investments
6650 Claims Auditor
6680 Internal Audit Function
6690 Audit Committee
6700 Purchasing
6741 Contracting for Professional Services

New York State Constitution, Article XIII, §1
General Municipal Law §103(2) (official newspapers)
Public Officers Law §§10; 13; 30
Education Law §§112(1) (residential facility transition liaison); 305(31) (designated educational official); 1701 (meeting to elect president, may elect vice president); 1707 (union free school districts date of meeting); 1904 (central high school districts in Nassau county); 1720(2) (bonding of personnel); 2130 (appoint clerk, bonded treasurer and bonded tax collector); 2502, 2502(9-a) (City of Rensselaer); 2504 (small city meetings); 2527 (bonding officials in small city school districts); 2553(9) (City of Rochester), (10) (City of Buffalo); 2563 (large city meetings)
8 NYCRR §§104.1 (requirement to review attendance data); 100.2(ff) (residential facility transition liaison); 170.2 (bonding of tax collector, treasurer, claims auditor); 170.12 (bonding of claims auditor); 172.5 (bonding of extraclassroom activity treasurer)

Effective Date: March 5, 2023