The Board of Education recognizes its obligation to hold an annual organizational meeting. The purpose of the organizational meeting shall be to elect officers of the Board and make the proper appointments and designations of other district employees for the proper management of the school district during the school year. The Board shall also perform such annual functions as are designated by law.
The annual organizational meeting of the Board of Education shall be held no later than July 15th.
The meeting shall be called to order by the previous Board President or his/her designee, who shall preside until the election of a new president. The order of business to be conducted at the organizational meeting shall include the following items required or implied by state law and/or regulation:
- Administration of Oath: The District Clerk shall administer the oath of office to newly-elected Board members. Such oath shall conform to Article XIII-1 of the Public Officers Law; the Clerk shall countersign the oath. No new Board member shall be permitted to vote until he/she has taken the oath of office.
- Election of Officers: The Board shall elect a president and a vice-president for the ensuing year, and administer the oath of office to them. A majority of all members of the Board shall be necessary for a valid election
- Appointment of Officers: The Board shall appoint and the Board President or District Clerk shall administer the oath of office to the following officials: District Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, District Treasurer, Tax Collector, Internal Claims Auditor
- Other Appointments: The Board may appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following positions: School Physician School Attorney, Census Enumerator Attendance Officer, School Dentist Insurance Consultant, District Auditor Records Access Officer, Asbestos Designee Records Management Officer, Central Treasurer, Extraclassroom Activity Account
- Bonding of Personnel: The Board may bond the following personnel handling district funds: District Clerk School Attorney, Tax Collector Internal Claims Auditor, District Treasurer Deputy Treasurer, Central Treasurer of Student Activity Account. The Board may, rather than bond individuals, include the above officers in a blanket undertaking, pursuant to law and Commissioner’s Regulations.
- Designations: The Board shall designate: Official depositories for district funds, Official district newspapers. The Board shall fix the day and hour for the holding of regular meetings, which shall be at least once each month while school is in session, in the rooms provided for the Board, unless otherwise ordered by the Board
- Authorizations The Board may support or authorize a/the:
- person to certify payrolls;
- school purchasing agent;
- attendance of conferences, conventions, workshops, etc., with designated expenses;
- establishment of petty cash funds (and to set amount of such funds)
- designation of authorized signatures on checks; and
- Superintendent of Schools to approve budget transfers.
- Other Items
- establish rate for mileage reimbursement
- other
The Board shall conduct general business at this meeting before it adjourns, if it so desires.
Cross ref: 5252 Student Activities Funds Management
Ref: Education Law §§ 1707; 1804(4); 2130
Effective Date: August 4, 2009