The Board of Education may, from time to time, establish committees whose membership will consist of members of the Board. The President of the Board shall appoint all such committees, as appropriate. Board committees shall undertake studies and make reports as charged by the Board, but shall not act on behalf of the Board unless given specific designation and authority to do so in limited capacities at a duly convened Board meeting.
The Board may establish standing or ad hoc committees and reserves the right to terminate any committees at any time.
Any official policy-level action is the sole discretion of the Board. The Board is in no way obligated to follow committee recommendations. The Board has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.
Each Board committee will have minutes which are subsequently distributed to the committee members within two weeks and to the District Clerk for dissemination to the full Board. Committee meeting minutes will be reviewed at the next Regular Board meeting and subsequently posted to the district website for public access.
Cross-ref: 1210 Citizens Advisory Committees
2220 Board Officers
Effective Date: March 3, 2020