2410 Formulation, Adoption and Amendment of Policies



The Board of Education recognizes that the adoption of written policies constitutes the basic method by which the Board exercises its leadership in the operation of the district.  The Board will oversee the formulation, adoption and amendment of district policies.

The process of Board policy revision may include the following items:

  1. Periodic review and evaluation of all current Board policy, pursuant to policy 2460, Policy Review and Evaluation
  2. Preparation of additional or new policies as needed or required by law.
  3. Consultation with district staff and community members prior to the effective date of any new or revised policy; except for those policies required to become effective immediately.
  4. Presentation of proposed policy in draft form to the Board for consideration prior to action.

Proposed amendments, or proposals for new policies, shall be submitted by any Board member, members of the administrative staff of the district, district personnel or community member at any regular or special Board of Education meeting.  The Board will review all proposed policy changes brought before it at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Since policies often affect the students, employees and/or citizens of the district, the Board shall make a continuing effort to involve as many relevant groups as reasonable and practical during the policy development and prior to the effective date of any policy.   Revised and/or new policies will be placed on the agenda for two meetings (“two readings”).  After the second “reading,” the Board may take action on the proposed revision or policy. 

The only exception to the two month reading shall be those policies mandated by law or regulation to be in effect.  Mandated policies shall not require “two readings” and shall become effective immediately upon the majority vote of the Board of Education.

No policy adopted can be brought back to the Board of Education for reconsideration until a three-month period has elapsed from the effective date of the policy, unless emergency circumstances, as determined by the President of the Board upon consultation with the administrative staff of the district, required immediate action.

The formal adoption of policies and their effective date shall be recorded in Board minutes. Only those written statements so adopted and so recorded shall be regarded as official Board policy.  All policies adopted will reflect the effective date of the policy.  All board members shall have written copies of all policies.  Every staff member shall have access to the Board Policy Manual as reflected in Policy 2450.

When effective, the policy shall be the governing law or regulation on a particular subject and shall remain in full force and affect until superseded or modified.  Notwithstanding the above, if an adopted policy is inconsistent with State or Federal law or with Department of Education rule or regulation, such State or Federal law or rule shall prevail.  The Superintendent will be responsible for determining if such and inconsistency exists, working with the School Attorney if appropriate.  If the policy is inconsistent with a contract provision, the resolution of the inconsistency shall be determined as provided in the contract.

As soon as practicable after the adoption of a new policy or policy change, the district shall post a copy of the policy on the district’s website.

The district clerk shall maintain copies of policies for public access.

Ref: Education Law §§1604(a); 1709(l);1804

Effective Date: January 9, 2018