The Board of Education and the Administrative staff shall assist each new Board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the Board’s functions, policies and procedures, and the school district’s operation before taking office. All Board member-elects shall be invited to attend a joint orientation session conducted by the Board President or his/her designee. At this time, the Superintendent of Schools and other administrative personnel will discuss the services that they perform for the Board and the school district. Each Board member-elect shall, as soon as possible:
- Be given selective materials covering the function of the Board and the school district, including but not limited to:
- Policy manual
- The School Law Handbook prepared by the New York State School Boards Association
- Latest Audited Financial Report, Treasurer’s report and District budget
- Any other materials which may be deemed helpful and informative; and
- Any relevant information pertaining to outstanding litigation involving the district;
- Be invited to attend all Board meetings and participate in discussion; and
- Be informed of the requirement for mandated training
- Be provided with information about opportunities for new Board member training
Effective Date: January 5, 2010