2510 New Board Member Orientation



The Board of Education and the Administrative staff shall assist each new Board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the Board’s functions, policies and procedures, and the school district’s operation before taking office.  All Board member-elects shall be invited to attend a joint orientation session conducted by the Board President or his/her designee.  At this time, the Superintendent of Schools and other administrative personnel will discuss the services that they perform for the Board and the school district.  Each Board member-elect shall, as soon as possible:

  1.  Be given selective materials covering the function of the Board and the school district, including but not limited to:
    1. Policy manual
    2. The School Law Handbook prepared by the New York State School Boards Association
    3. Latest Audited Financial Report, Treasurer’s report and District budget
    4. Any other materials which may be deemed helpful and informative; and 
    5. Any relevant information pertaining to outstanding litigation involving the district;
  2. Be invited to attend all Board meetings and participate in discussion; and
  3. Be informed of the requirement for mandated training
  4. Be provided with information about opportunities for new Board member training

Effective Date: January 5, 2010