In order to achieve our strategic goals, the Board of Education supports a collaborative approach to district curriculum development. Such an approach must recognize the interrelation of a “core” curriculum and effective instructional processes, as well as interdisciplinary applications and articulation of programs from one level to the next.
A “core” curriculum in the 21st century includes basic content area knowledge and related skills, with the realization that such information needs continuous updating. Curricula will also be designed to encourage transferrable concepts/skills, inclusive of 21st century skills. The Board is committed to providing district students and staff with appropriate instructional materials to implement curricula. In addition, all students are assured equal access to courses of study, regardless of national origin, race, color, religion, creed, marital status, sex or disability.
The Board expects administrators and staff to work together in evaluating the educational program and recommending changes or additions in courses, programs, instructional methodology, and /or staff development activities which are necessary to implement curricular changes and/or additions. The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall work with the other district administrators and staff to integrate current educational theory and research on curricula design, and successful instruction strategies practiced by comparable districts. To this end, under the leadership of the Superintendent or his/her designee, curriculum will be continually reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
Teachers are directed to use state standards, supplemental materials and handbooks for general curricular guidelines/maps; however, the Board encourages instructional staff to create individualized, flexible curriculum guides and original instruction materials. Such materials shall reflect a sensitivity to district students, their concerns, learning styles and changing developmental abilities/needs.
Curriculum changes will take into consideration the results of state and local assessments, reflect state requirements, and address further needs of the community and student population. Administrators and staff will work together in evaluating the educational program and recommending changes or additions in courses, programs, instructional methodology, and/or staff development activities which are necessary to implement such changes and/or additions.
Curriculum Development Grants
Summer and part-time curriculum development grants may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee to teachers in district-established priority areas. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall identify, establish and present these to the Board.
At its meetings, the Board will hear periodic reports on curriculum-related matters, such as instructional programs, the work of curriculum committees, and periodic evaluation of specific curriculum areas. The Superintendent or his/her designee will also be responsible for implementing curriculum studies, including pilot projects, as authorized by the Board.
Cross –ref: 4000 Instructional Goals Ref: Education §§1709(3); 1711 (5)
Effective Date: September 7, 2010