4321.4 Independent Educational Evaluations Policy and Regulation



Parents of children with disabilities have the right under Federal and State regulation to obtain an  independent educational evaluation (IEE) at public expense under certain conditions. An IEE is  an evaluation involving a student with a disability or a student suspected of having a disability  conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the District. Regulatory standards  are outlined in New York State Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Part 200.5(g).  Additionally, the Federal Regulations (34 C.F.R. 300.502) provide additional guidance on  requirements for an independent evaluation. 

The Board shall approve only one IEE at public expense each time the District conducts an  evaluation with which the Parent disagrees.  

The Board shall not agree to approve and fund an IEE unless the District has conducted its own  evaluation with which the Parent disagrees.  

The District may request that the Parent specify the area(s) of disagreement with its evaluation,  but the failure of a parent to respond to such a request shall not delay the District’s determination  regarding the Parent’s request for an IEE.  

Public expense means that the District either pays for the reasonable cost of the IEE (consistent  with Board Policy and administrative regulation) or otherwise ensures that the evaluation is  provided at no cost to the Parent, provided that the cost does not exceed the monetary amount  established by the District for such evaluations.  

Parents seeking District authorization for an IEE must make a request, in writing (unless they are  unable to do so), identifying the evaluation with which they disagree and setting forth their request  for a publically funded IEE.  

Requests for IEEs shall be reviewed by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chair or  Special Education Director, who shall notify the Parent within fifteen [15] business days of his/her  decision and shall state the reason for any denial in a prior written notice.  

If the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chair or Special Education Director, upon  review, determines that a request for an IEE should be approved, and the evaluator selected  by the Parent meets with the qualifications and agrees to be bound by the Board’s criteria  and the District’s administrative regulations, the District shall enter into a contract with the  individual to set forth the evaluation(s) to be completed and to provide for payment upon  the District’s receipt of the completed evaluation.  

If the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chair or Special Education Director, denies  the Parents’ request for an IEE at public expense on the grounds that the District’s  evaluation was appropriate, then the CSE Chairperson shall advise the Parent, in writing,  of the decision and, unless the parties reach a different agreement to address the Parents’  concerns, the Board shall appoint a hearing officer to defend its evaluation. 

In all cases, the District shall first inquire of the Parents whether they are willing to use their  insurance to cover any portion of the cost of the evaluation, in which case, with their informed  consent, the District shall offer to assume the cost of the co-pay.  

If the District files a due process complaint notice to request an impartial hearing to defend its  evaluation and the final decision is that the District’s evaluation is appropriate, or that the  evaluation obtained by the Parent did not meet District criteria, the Parent still has the right to  obtain an independent educational evaluation, but not a public expense.  

If the Parent obtains an IEE at public expense, or shares with the District an evaluation obtained  at private expense, the results of the evaluation must be considered by the District, if it meets the  District’s criteria, in any decisions made with respect to the provision of a free appropriate public  education [FAPE] and such evaluation may be presented by any party as evidence at an impartial  hearing for that student.  

The Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chair or Special Education Director, shall maintain  and provide to any Parent who requests an IEE a list of qualified independent evaluators who will  accept the Board’s compensation rates and whose practice is within the Board’s geographical  limits.  

The District’s Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chair or Special Education Director, shall  develop, maintain and periodically update a maximum payment scale for such independent  educational evaluations based on an assessment of the cost to secure such evaluations and shall  not approve, without a waiver, an evaluation at public expense that exceeds such cost ceiling, or  an evaluator which is located more than seventy-five [75] miles from the District. Such  information shall be incorporated into administrative regulations consistent with the Board’s IEE  policy.  

A waiver of the Board’s policy and the District’s administrative regulations regarding payment,  evaluator qualifications and geographical limits shall be considered upon receipt of a written  request to the Special Education Director, that establishes that without such a waiver, the child  would be denied the right to an independent evaluation. The District will respond, in writing, to  such a request. The failure to obtain a waiver prior to obtaining an IEE consistent with District  policy constitutes grounds to deny such a request.  

The Board shall not reimburse a Parent for the cost of an evaluation which does not conform to  the Board’s policy on reimbursement, in the absence of a waiver and the opportunity to conduct  its own evaluation prior to the Parent’s decision to secure such evaluation.  

If an impartial hearing officer requests an independent educational evaluation as part of a hearing,  the cost of the evaluation must be at public expense and the evaluation shall comply with the  Board’s policy and administrative regulations. 

Administrative regulations on IEEs will be developed in order to explain the rights of Parents and  the responsibilities of the District with regard to independent evaluations and to avoid any  misunderstandings.  

References: 34 CFR §§300.12 and 300.502; 8 NYCRR §§200.1(z) and 200.5(g) 

Effective Date: December 7, 2021




In accordance with Board Policy # 4321.4 which addresses the District’s obligations to respond to  parental requests for Individual Educational Evaluations (IEE) at public expense, the Ichabod  Crane Central School District (“District”) adopts the following regulations:  

A parent is entitled to only one IEE at public expense each time the District conducts an evaluation  with which the Parent disagrees unless the Parent and District agree otherwise.  

In responding to a request, the District may request that the parent specify the area(s) of  disagreement with its evaluation. However, failure to respond shall not delay or preclude the  District from making a timely response to the Parent’s request for an IEE.  

Parents have the right to request an IEE at public expense subject to the following conditions:  

  1. The District has completed and the Committee has reviewed its evaluation and the Parent  disagrees with the District’s evaluation; 
  2. The Parent has not withheld consent or otherwise failed to produce their child for a District  initiated evaluation;  
  3. The IEE being requested meets the requirements set forth in Commissioner’s regulations  at 200.4; 
  4. The evaluator selected by the Parents meets the District’s criteria (including qualifications,  geographical location and cost parameters) and agrees to enter into a contract with the  District for the timely completion of the IEE consistent with District policy and regulation; 
  5. The District has not established through an impartial hearing that its evaluation was  appropriate or otherwise established that the evaluation secured privately by the Parent  failed to comply with the District’s policy or administrative regulations. 


An IEE is an evaluation requested for a student identified under Part 200 of Commissioner’s  regulations as student with a disability or a student suspected of having a disability to be conducted  by a qualified examiner. 

Public expense means that the District either pays for the reasonable cost of the IEE or ensures  that the evaluation is otherwise provided at no cost to the Parents, provided that the cost of such  evaluation does not exceed the reasonable regional monetary fee schedule established by the  District for such evaluations. 


  1. Parents seeking District authorization for an IEE must make a request, in writing (unless  unable to do so) identifying the evaluation with which they disagree, and (if known), they  may propose an evaluator whom they would like to perform the IEE.  

Criteria for the Approval of a Request for an IEE  

  1. The CSE Chairperson or Special Education Director shall develop, maintain and update  periodically the maximum charge to be paid by the District for an IEE which shall be based  on a survey of the actual cost of securing such evaluations in the community within the  geographical limits established in the Board’s policy. The IEE shall fall within those cost  parameters, absent a waiver 
  2. An evaluator approved to conduct the IEE shall demonstrate that he/she has the requisite  New York State licensure, qualifications or certifications, of those qualified to conduct  such evaluations for the District, absent a waiver.  
  3. The evaluation shall be conducted at a location no more than seventy-five [75] miles from  the District, absent a waiver.  
  4. The CSE Chairperson or Special Education Director shall not approve any request for an  IEE that does not comply with the criteria set forth above without a request for waiver and  a finding by the chairperson that in the absence of a waiver, the Parents and the child would  be denied the right to an IEE, as required by law.  
  5. Parents may submit a written request for a waiver of any applicable term and condition of  the District’s IEE policy, setting forth the basis for such waiver, and establishing the unique  circumstances or why, in the absence of such waiver, they would be otherwise unable to  secure an IEE. The District will respond to a request for a waiver in writing, and offer to  schedule a hearing, as necessary.  

Response to Request for an IEE 

  1. Upon the District’s receipt of a Parents’ request the CSE Chairperson or Special Education  Directorshall confirm receipt in writing with ten (10) business days, and may ask the  Parent(s) to explain the nature of their disagreement with the District’s evaluation and,  where appropriate, offer to schedule a reevaluation to consider the need for any additional  assessments. The failure of the Parent to disclose the nature of their disagreement shall not  otherwise delay the District’s response to the Parents’ request. The Chairperson or Board  Designee shall also send a copy of the Board’s policy and District regulations with the  District’s list of regional independent evaluators who meet the District’s criteria for  approval.  
  2. If the District has not conducted its own evaluation within one year of the Parents’ request,  it may either offer to do so, if parents consent; or shall approve the Parents’ request unless it deems the evaluations conducted already are otherwise appropriate and initiates an  impartial hearing to defend the District’s evaluation(s).
  1. The District CSE Chairperson or Special Education Director shall issue a formal prior  written notice of its decision with regard to the Parents’ request for an IEE within fifteen  (15) business days, in writing.
  • If, upon review, the SE Chairperson or Special Education Director approves the  request, the District shall enter into a contract with the individual selected by the  Parent that complies with the District’s policy terms and conditions.
  • In a case where the evaluation is not approved solely on the basis that the evaluator  will not accept the District’s fee cap, the CSE Chairperson or Special Education  Director shall advise the Parent to either select another evaluator or request a waiver  setting forth the special circumstances that support the request. The District will  advise the Parent in writing of its determination regarding a waiver and offer to  schedule a hearing, as necessary.
  • If the CSE Chairperson or Special Education Director declines to approve a request  for an IEE on grounds that the District’s evaluation was appropriate, the  Chairperson or Board designee shall advise the Parent, in writing, of the decision  and, unless the parties reach an agreement to address the Parents’ concerns  regarding the District’s evaluation, the Board shall appoint a hearing officer to  defend its evaluation and shall advise the Parent of the right to secure an IEE at  his/her expense which shall be reviewed and considered by the District.

9. The Board shall not authorize reimbursement to a parent for the cost of an evaluation which does not conform to the Board’s policy on reimbursement, in the absence of a waiver, and the opportunity to conduct its own evaluation prior to the parents’ decision to secure such evaluation.
10. Upon approval of a request for an IEE, the CSE Chairperson or Special Education Director shall:

  • Obtain the name and address of the individual or organization the Parent(s) selected to conduct the IEE;
  • Develop and forward to the individual selected by the Parent to conduct the IEE, a copy of the District’s IEE policy and a proposed contract that reflects the District’s criteria (unless a waiver has been granted in which case the contract shall reflect the terms agreed to).
  • Inquire of the parent as to the availability of any health insurance to offset the cost or a portion of the cost of the IEE.
  • Forward relevant records and a copy of the District’s evaluation which the Parent disagreed with to the evaluator for review to the evaluator;
  • Arrange for District staff to be available to speak with the evaluator to address their concerns and to invite the evaluator, if deemed appropriate to observe the student in class.
  • Arrange for payment of the evaluation within 30 days of receipt of the final evaluation report and an itemized invoice of services, dates of services, and total cost from the evaluator.

11. The failure to have a signed contract between the District and the evaluator selected by the Parent may constitute a basis for denying payment for an IEE.

IEE Policy and Regulation FEE SCHEDULE 

The following services shall be reimbursed up to the maximum set forth below, in accordance with  the Policy of the Board of Education of the Ichabod Crane Central School District. These rates  were derived by a survey of the regional costs from independent evaluators within the geographical  limit of the Board’s Policy.  

Service/Evaluation Type Monetary Cap 1. Medical examination to determine general health [$150.00] 2. Social history [$150.00] 3. Psychoeducational Evaluation [$2500.00] 4. Psychological Evaluation [$2000.00] 5. Speech and Language Evaluation [$500.00] 6. Occupational Therapy Evaluation [$500.00] 7. Physical Therapy Evaluation [$500.00] 8. Neuropsychological Evaluation [$3000.00] 9. Psychiatric Evaluation [$3000.00] 10. Neurological Evaluation [$400.00] 11. Physiatry Evaluation [$350.00] 12. Audiology Evaluation [$500.00] 13. Ophthalmologic Evaluation [$250.00] LIST OF INDEPENDENT EVALUATORS FOR CPSE AND CSE 

Attached is a list of independent evaluators available to issue IEE’s in conformance with the  criteria established by the Board of Education’s Policy. The list of evaluators is not exclusive. All  evaluators on this list have been determined to meet the criteria set forth in the Board’s IEE policy.  This list is provided as required by law and does not constitute an endorsement of any of the  individuals listed therein. This list is updated annually.  

Effective Date: December 7, 2021