The Ichabod Crane CSD recognizes its responsibility to provide home tutoring for students who are not able to attend regular instruction as a result of medical conditions or disciplinary consequences. Such tutoring shall be provided when the appropriate documentation as required by the district or administrative authorization is provided and shall comply with all State Education Department Regulations.
All requests for home tutoring for medical, disciplinary or for specific periods of time as recommended by the CSE must be approved by the building principal.
Tutors shall be paid at the contractual hourly rate as established by the collective bargaining agreement with the Ichabod Crane Teacher’s Association. If tutors schedule themselves to meet with more than one student at the same time at the same public location, they will be paid at the approved hourly rate for the first student and an additional 30% of the hourly rate for each additional student who is present. The Building Principal or designee is responsible for determining the appropriateness of the number of students present at a tutoring location and/or the suitability of a location.
For every 10 hours of instruction for the same student during a single period of authorized tutoring, the tutor will receive one (1) hour of salary for their preparation time.
Tutors shall be paid for mileage from their actual starting location to the tutoring location and to their home. Tutors who travel from one location to another to provide tutoring to several students in succession on the same day shall be paid for their mileage between locations only. When a tutor provides services to multiple students at the same time at the same location mileage may claimed for only one trip. Tutors may claim mileage related to travel to and from the district for purposes of picking up/dropping materials or meeting with faculty. At no time may the total mileage claimed be more than the actual miles incurred.
Tutors shall submit claims tutoring and included mileage for payment every two weeks in accordance with the annual payroll calendar.
Effective Date: February 3, 2011