1. Statement of Support
The Ichabod Crane Central School District Board of Education believes that educational field trips and excursions can be valuable school activities. The Board therefore supports and encourages their use within the total educational program.
2. Definition
For the purposes of this policy, a “field trip” is defined as a trip (a) away from the school site that allows students to gather firsthand information that is relevant to their course work and program of study, and (b) which occurs when school is in session.
For the purposes of the is policy, an “excursion” or “school trip” is defined as a trip (a) outside of the normal school day (b) sponsored by the district for purposes other than a field trip.
3. Criteria for Approval of Field Trips & Excursions
The Superintendent of schools may authorize educational field trips or excursions, but only if such trips or excursions meet all of the following criteria:
A. A field trip must be a part of the program of study for those involved, and must be sponsored by the District.
B. Provision must be made to ensure that no student is excluded from taking the trip or excursion for reasons of personal or family finances. Obligatory, out-of-pocket costs to each student shall not exceed $20.00 without express approval from the Superintendent.
C. Field trips or excursions must operate in such a manner as to ensure that such enterprises cause no interruption in the educational program for other students in the building(s) involved.
D. With the exception of an approved athletic contest, school bus transportation for field trips or excursions may be authorized administratively only if the distance of the trip one way is forty-five (45) miles or less. Field trips or excursions in excess of forty-five (45) miles shall not occur without authorization by the Board of Education.
E. Overnight trips or field trips of more than one day’s duration shall, unless there are special circumstances and there is express approval from the Superintendent and Board of Education, be restricted to students in their junior (grade 11) and senior (grade 12) years of high school.
F. No field trip shall operate in a manner that affords any employee of the District an opportunity of any sort for any financial gain.
G. No adult who is not an employee of the Board of Education of Ichabod Crane Central School District may accompany students on any overnight or international trip authorized under this policy without express prior approval of the Board. No adult who is not an employee of the Board may have any portion of travel costs incurred in accompanying students on such a trip borne by funds raised in any manner to support the travel of students and employees.
H. For day field trips, specifically those that occur between the opening and closing times of instruction, parental/guardian chaperones may be permitted.
4. Overnight Trips and Trips during Vacation Periods
Field trips and school trips may be planned under District auspices to occur during school vacations, but no trip during a school vacation, with the exception of an approved athletic contest, and no overnight trip may take place unless the Board of Education has granted prior approval.
The planning for such trips may take place on school premises, but only during non-instructional school hours. A school trip planned to take place during a school vacation shall not be scheduled so as to conflict in any manner with the school calendar.
5. Transportation may be provided by either District buses or private carrier, as appropriate.
When the District has provided transportation to students, the School District shall return all students to the point of departure, or the appropriate school in the District. If intervening circumstances make such transportation of any one student impractical, then a chaperone shall remain with the student until the parent(s) or legal guardian has been contacted and informed of the intervening circumstances that make such transportation impractical.
Private automobiles may not be used for field trips and excursions unless authorized in advance by the School Principal or Superintendent of Schools.
6. Non-School Sponsored Trips
Non-school sponsored trips are those trips that are not sanctioned by the District and are not supported by school district resources.
Non-school sponsored trips organized by non-employees or employees acting as independent contractors/agents involving students on a volunteer, self-supporting basis are not approved by the Board and are not considered a part of the curriculum. Responsibility for non-school sponsored trips or tours rests with the individuals and agency sponsoring them. The Board assumes no legal or financial responsibilities for non-school sponsored trips.
If recruitment of students for a non-school sponsored trip is sought through the schools, the recruitment is subject to the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee
References: Education Law Sec. 3623
Policy 3120, Duties of the Supt of Schools
Policy 9120, Staff Code of Ethics
Effective Date: May 7, 2013
1. Teachers and teaching assistants will be paid for chaperoning extraclassroom activities at the rate determined by the Teacher’s Contract.
2. Non-teaching staff members and parent volunteers will not be paid for chaperoning.
3. The number of chaperones for a particular function, which must include teachers and /or teaching assistants, will be determined by the Building Principal.
4. The activity advisor must present a list of chaperones to the Building Principal for approval at least 3 days prior to the field trip.
5. The activity advisor must present a list of volunteer chaperones well in advance of any overnight or out of the country field trip or excursion so to allow proper authorization by the Board of Education
6. The Building Principal may cancel an event due to the lack of a sufficient number of chaperones or may appoint teachers to chaperoning assignments with remuneration ,as stated in the Teacher’s Contract.
Before the Trip
1. The teacher in charge will provide written information to volunteer chaperones regarding the trip. If written information is not available, the teacher in charge will be responsible for briefing the chaperones verbally.
2. The teacher in charge will be responsible for determining any admission charge for chaperones. Some trips allow chaperones free admission and others require a charge.
3. The teacher in charge is responsible for advising the volunteer chaperones regarding meal expenses. If there is a stop, volunteer chaperones generally eat at their own expense.
On the Bus
1. The teacher in charge is responsible for student discipline. The volunteer chaperones should assist at the teacher in charge’s direction.
2. Volunteer chaperones should be directed by the teacher in charge to seat themselves in all sections of the bus.
3. Students are expected to follow the rules of the bus. Volunteer chaperones should be instructed to correct student misbehavior. Should the student persist in misbehaving, the volunteer chaperone should be instructed to report the matter to a teacher.
At the Site
Depending on the site facility, the volunteer chaperone may tour with the group as a whole or may be assigned to lead a small group. If the volunteer chaperone is placed in charge of a small group, he/she will be acting in place of the teacher in charge. The teacher in charge is responsible for giving direct instructions to the volunteer chaperones regarding student behavior. Volunteer chaperones should be instructed not to use physical restraint unless the student’s behavior is dangerous to the student involved or to someone else or when property damage may result. The volunteer chaperone should be instructed to advise the teacher in charge when either of the above occur.
The teacher in charge should encourage the volunteer chaperones to ask for assistance whenever they are in doubt about what to do in a particular set of circumstances.
Effective Date: February 3, 2011