4710 Grading Systems



Grading is considered a positive tool to indicate achievement and development in each class or subject in which a student is enrolled. The Board of Education recognizes that the classroom teacher has the primary responsibility to evaluate students and determine student grades.
The district shall use a reasonable and equitable grading system. Classroom teachers shall evaluate students and assign grades according to the established system.

Grading shall be based upon student improvement, achievement, and participation in classroom discussions and activities. Parents shall be provided a written report card or progress report at least four (4) times a year regarding their child’s progress. The use of marks and symbols will be appropriately explained.
Grading shall not be used for disciplinary purposes, i.e., reducing grade for an unexcused absence, although a lower grade can be given for failure to complete assigned work or for lack of class participation.

All students are expected to complete the assigned class work and homework as directed. Students are also expected to participate meaningfully in class discussions and activities in order to receive course credit. If work is missed due to absence, the student is expected to make up the work. The student and/or the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) should discuss with the student’s teacher an appropriate means of making up the missed work. With the possible exception of absences intended by the student as a means of gaining an unfair academic advantage (e.g., to secure more time to study for a test), every effort will be made to provide students with the opportunity and assistance to make up all work missed as a result of absence from class.

The professional judgment of the teacher shall be respected. Once a grade is assigned to a student by a teacher, the grade may only be changed by a district administrator after notification to the teacher of the reason for such change. Should an administrator enforce a grade change, he/she shall be prepared to report to the Superintendent of Schools and/or the Board.

Cross-Ref: 4712 Communication with Parents

Ref: Education Law §§3202; 3205 et seq. Matter of Nathaniel D., 32 EDR 67 (1992)
Matter of Hegarty, 31 EDR 232 (1992) Matter of Shepard, 31 EDR 315 (1992)
Matter of Handicapped Child, 32 EDR 83 (1992)
Matter of Ackert, 30 EDR 31 (1990) Matter of Augustine, 30 EDR 13 (1990)
Matter of Boylan, 24 EDR 421 (1985) Matter of Burns, 29 EDR 103 (1989)
Matter of Chipman, 10 EDR 224 (1971) Matter of Dickershaid, 26 EDR 112 (1986)
Matter of Fitchett-Delk, 25 EDR 178 (1985) Matter of Gibbons, 22 EDR 134 (1982) Matter of LaViolette, 24 EDR 37 (1984) Matter of MacWhinnie, 20 EDR 145 (1980)
Matter of McClurkin, 28 EDR 136 (1988) Matter of Reid, 65 Misc 2d 718 (1971)
Matter of Rivers, 27 EDR 73 (1987) Matter of Shamon, 22 EDR 428 (1983)

Effective Date: August 5, 2014