The purpose of this policy is to ensure effective communication with parents in order to maximize student achievement. Communication will be timely and done in an effective manner.
Each building will be responsible for developing a plan, which addresses the policy’s goal of communication with parents. The plan should address measurement of improved student achievement.
The Board will review, approve and receive status reports on the implementation of this policy.
It is the intent of the Board that the building plans will provide information to:
- enhance a student’s performance through parental involvement;
- address positive communication and recognition when due;
- offer parental suggestions that can help them improve their child’s achievement; and
- provide student progress reports (report cards) at least four (4) times annually at the Middle and High School and three (3) times annually grades K-5
This policy shall be distributed to all parents through parent handbook and posted on the website.
The Board of Education encourages parent conferences with teachers as an effective means of communication between the home and the school. These conferences provide opportunity for open communication regarding administrative procedures, instructional programs, goals and objectives, and pertinent information regarding pupil progress.
Teachers have a responsibility to meet with parents to discuss student problems and progress. When a parent requests a conference with a teacher, the teacher shall make every effort to arrange a mutually convenient time. Such conferences should be scheduled around the school day so as not to interfere with the instructional process. Teachers should notify the appropriate Building Principal in advance of such conferences.
Cross ref: 4710, Grading Systems
Ref: 34 CFR §200.34( c)(l)(I) (ESEA Chapter 1 Program in Local Educational Agencies )
8 NYCRR Part 149, subparts 149-1; 149-3
Effective date: September 6, 2011