4760 Make-Up Opportunities



Students who are absent shall be given reasonable time to make up assignments missed during their absences. When necessary and applicable, assignments may be sent home, and teachers shall be available to render necessary assistance. However, in cases of extended illegal absences, such as family vacation, the work will be provided and made up upon the student’s return to school. Students who are absent as a direct result of truancy would be eligible to receive missed subject information and would be subject to a teacher’s regular grading procedure.

In grades 6-12, it is the student’s responsibility to request all makeup assignments from subject teachers following absence from class. In the elementary grades, the Board encourages and supports parental involvement in the obtainment and completion of makeup assignments. A reasonable time limit for return of those assignments should be established by the teacher.

In grades 6 and 7, if a student fails two or more academic subjects (social studies, science, English language arts, reading or mathematics, that student may be placed in the Extended Day program for the first quarter of the next school year. If a student in grade eight fails two or more core subjects, the student may attend summer school and avoid retention if summer school is offered at Ichabod Crane (or at parent’s expense, may attend at another school).

Students who do not pass foreign language at grade 8 will be required to retake the course in the following year (either at the high school or the middle school).

Students who are under Committee on Special Education would be reviewed on an individual basis in accordance with the Promotion Standards Policy.

In grades 9-12, if a student fails English, social studies, or physical education, and does not successfully complete a makeup course in a duly authorized summer school, the student must retake the same or equivalent course again the following year. Permission to “double up” (take two consecutive courses within the same school year, e.g., English 11 and English 12) in any discipline shall be a departmental decision. Doubling up is not permitted for courses when the first course failed is a prerequisite for the second and is not permitted in English prior to the senior year in school.

Ref: Matter of Augustine, 30 EDR 12 (1990)
Matter of Shannon, 26 EDR 218 (1986)
Matter of Falcigno, 22 EDR 599

Effective Date: June 7, 2011