The Board of Education, in certain instances, shall grant students who wish to graduate from high school in less time than the ordinary four-year sequence the permission to complete graduation requirements on an alternative schedule. To this end, all normal graduation requirements must be completed for early graduation. Furthermore, a student shall not be denied an exact class rank if he/she wishes to complete the usual four-year course of studies in three years.
In regard to individual student requests, the following factors may be considered: the student’s grades, performance in school, his/her future plans, and benefits that would accrue to the student if the request for early graduation were to be approved. The Superintendent shall make the final decision on whether to grant permission after consultation with the individual student’s counselor, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s).
Effective Date: June 7, 2011
1. Students who have completed at least three years in a high school and earned 15 or more units of credit by the beginning of their fourth year of school will be given senior status and placed in a senior homeroom. Such students will be eligible for al privileges, honors and awards special to seniors, including placement in class rank and valedictorian/salutatorian designation. However, in order to be eligible, a student must have completed two full years at this district’s high school by June of the graduation year.
2. Eligible students seeking to graduate at the end of three years of high school who have 15 or more units of credit prior to the beginning of their third year, may be placed in a senior homeroom and given senior status, provided they declare their intentions to graduate in writing to their guidance counselors by August 31 preceding the opening of the school year. Such students will be eligible for all privileges, honors and awards special to seniors, including placement in class rank and valedictorian/salutatorian designation.
3. Eligible students seeking to graduate at the end of three years, who have a minimum of 15 units of credit by the beginning of the third year, but who do not declare their graduation intentions by August 31, may still be granted senior status if their intentions are stated in writing to their guidance counselors between September 1 and January 30 of the school year. Such students will remain in eleventh grade homerooms, but will be eligible for all privileges, honors and awards special to seniors, including placement in class rank and valedictorian/salutatorian designation.
Effective Date: June 7, 2011