The graduation or commencement ceremony is a time to celebrate the honors and achievements of the graduating class. The Board of Education will establish the date for graduation ceremonies, while the administration will determine the place and program details, including attire. Academic and other awards and scholarships may be presented along with diplomas. Speakers may be selected from among the graduating class.
Participation in the graduation ceremony and related activities will be predicated on satisfactory completion of all graduation requirements, or as otherwise described in this policy. Exceptions may be made under extraordinary circumstances with the permission of the Superintendent of Schools. A student who has earned either a Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS) or Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) by the time his/her ninth-grade cohort reaches graduation may, but is not required to, participate in that graduation ceremony and related activities provided that the student successfully completed the school year in compliance with the district’s attendance policy.
If a student who participates in the graduation ceremony by earning a CDOS or SACC only subsequently meets the requirements for either a Regents or local high school diploma, he/she may participate in the graduation ceremony of that graduating class as well.
A student with a disability who participates in graduation ceremonies by earning only a CDOS or SACC is entitled to continue his/her educational program until the end of school year in which the student turns 21 years old, or until he/she earns a Regents or local high school diploma.
The Superintendent shall develop regulations to implement this policy, to be adopted by the Board. The district shall provide annual written notice to all students who are earning a CDOS or SACC and their parents/guardians of the requirements of this policy and associated regulations.
Cross-ref: 4321, Programs for Students with Disabilities Under the IDEA and New York’s Education Law Article 89
4321.9, Declassification of Students with Disabilities
4773, Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
Ref: Education Law §3204(4-b)
8 NYCRR §§100.5; 100.6
Effective Date: January 8, 2019
A student who has earned either a Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS) or a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC), but not a high school diploma, shall be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony and related activities of the student’s graduating class provided that the student successfully completed the school year in compliance with the district’s attendance policy.
The district shall retain a record of each student’s ninth grade cohort. Each year, the High School Building Principal shall determine whether each student who entered ninth grade with the current year’s graduating class is eligible to participate in that year’s graduation ceremony, pursuant to state law, Board policy and this regulation.
During the school year in which the ninth grade cohort enters twelfth grade, the High School Building Principal shall submit to the Superintendent of Schools or designee the name(s) of all students who are on track and expected to earn either a CDOS or SACC, but not a Regents or local high school diploma, by the time of graduation.
For each student so identified, the Superintendent or designee shall ascertain whether the student wishes to participate in the graduation ceremonies and related activities of that year’s graduating class by discussing the matter with the student and/or parent/guardian either in person, in writing, by telephone, or via email.
For any student who meets such requirements and wishes to participate in the graduation ceremony and related activities, the Superintendent shall ensure, prior to graduation, that the High School Building Principal, the student, and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) are notified that the student may participate in that year’s graduation ceremony and related activities, and shall ensure his/her participation is facilitated.
The district shall provide annual written notice to all students who are earning a CDOS or SACC and their parents/guardians of the requirements of this regulation and associated policy.
Effective Date: January 8, 2019