5030 Student Complaints



The Board of Education believes it is necessary that students be made aware of the behavior that is expected of them, as outlined in district policies on school conduct and discipline. Building Principals are responsible for ensuring that appeal procedures are incorporated into discipline codes and/or student handbooks, explained to all students, and provided to all parents on an annual basis.

The Board encourages students to be active participants in the educational process. The Board strives to provide students with a sound educational environment, ensure that all students are treated fairly, and afford students the due process protections they are entitled to under the law. The Board understands that there may be times when students do not agree with school practices or feel as though they have been treated unfairly.

Many concerns about school practices can and should be addressed through the student government. Student handbooks may also provide valuable information. For other issues, the district has different channels for resolution of complaints, depending on the nature of the complaint. Understanding the Board policy on an issue is the first step towards resolving any complaints. Students are urged to follow the established Board policy, but should always feel free to discuss concerns with any school staff member or the Building Principal. School staff and administrators are expected to work with students toward an amicable resolution of the issue.

Issue Policy (policy number)
Civil rights; discrimination Equal Opportunity (0100)
Disciplinary matters Code of Conduct (5310)
District policies and practices Student government and/or Complaints from the Public (1400) Due process Code of Conduct (5300)
Free speech School-Sponsored Student Expression (5220); Student Personal Expression (5225)
Harassment, hazing, bullying Code of Conduct (5310)
Privacy (lockers, searches) Code of Conduct (5310)
School practices and environment Student government and/or Complaints from the Public (1400) Sexual harassment Sexual Harassment (0110)
Student educational records Student Records (5500)
Student rights and responsibilities Code of Conduct (5310)
Teachers Complaints from the Public (1400)

Cross-ref: 0100, Equal Opportunity
0110, Sexual Harassment
1400, Complaints from the Public
5220, School-Sponsored Student Expression
5225, Student Personal Expression
5310, Code of Conduct
5500, Student Records

Effective Date: May 7, 2013