5140 Entrance Age



Children who reach their fifth birthday on or before December 1st of the year of matriculation may be admitted to kindergarten. Children who turn six years old on or before December 1st in any school year must receive full-time instruction from the first day school is in session in September of that school year. Children who reach their sixth birthday after December 1st of a school year must receive full-time instruction from the first day of school in the following September.

Proof of age must be presented in the form of a duly certified birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or passport or as set forth in School Admissions Policy (#5150).

A child who has regularly attended and satisfactorily completed a year’s work in a kindergarten which is duly registered with the State Education Department may be enrolled in the first grade.

All children are required by New York State law to attend school full time, in a public, private or parochial school, unless exempt from attendance in conjunction with current law or regulation, and approved by the State Education Department from the first day of session in September of the school year in which the minor becomes six years of age through the last day of the school year in which such minor becomes sixteen years of age, unless he/she has completed a four-year high school course of study. A minor who has completed a four-year high school course of study is not required to attend.

Additionally, students between the ages of sixteen and seventeen are required to attend school until the last day of session in the school year in which they become seventeen, unless they are employed. Proof of employment must be furnished to the Superintendent of Schools in the form of a letter from the employer.

The Board of Education, through the Superintendent as chief administrative officer, is responsible for enforcement of the Compulsory Education Law.

Ref: Education Law §§1711; 3201; 3202(1-a); 3205; 3206; 3208; 3225
Education Law §§709; 1712; 2503; 2514; 2555; 3202; 3205; 3210
8 NYCRR §101
Family Court Act §§711 et seq.
5150 School Admissions

Effective Date: July 9, 2019