Before a student may be dropped from enrollment, he/she must have been absent for twenty (20) consecutive school days and statutory procedures must be followed. It is the responsibility of the Building Principal to ensure that the procedures set forth below are followed:
1. The Building Principal and/or the Superintendent of Schools shall schedule and notify in writing both the student and his/her parents or guardians of an informal conference.
2. At such conference, the Principal and/or the Superintendent shall determine the reasons for the student’s absence and ascertain whether reasonable changes in the student’s educational program would encourage and facilitate his or her re-entry or continuance of study.
3. The student and his/her parents or guardians shall be informed orally and in writing of the student’s right to re-enroll at any time in the school, if qualified under the law. 4. If the student or his/her parents or guardians fail after reasonable notice to attend the informal conference, the student will be dropped from the rolls of the school, provided that he or she and the parents/guardians have been notified that they may re-enter at any time if qualified under the law.
Cross-ref: 5150 School Admissions
Ref: Education Law §3202 (1-a)
Effective Date: November 6, 2012