The Board of Education has the authority to establish reasonable standards as prerequisites for eligibility for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. These standards apply to entry qualifications as well as to continued participation in such activities. Advisors/Coaches must disseminate a copy of the expected standards of conduct to all students and parents at the start of each school year, and participating students should be individually informed of the application and scope of such standards.
Students will not be discriminated against in extracurricular activities on the basis of legally protected statuses, as outlined in policy 0100, Equal Opportunity.
Eligibility and continued participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities are a privileges extended to students, as opposed to rights, and the behavioral standards set forth in the district Code of Conduct Policy (5310) apply to all students participating in any co-curricular and/or extracurricular activity. All student participants, including athletes, will be informed that they have the obligation to act in a responsible manner because of the leadership roles they play in the school environment and as a result are expected to adhere to a ban on the consumption/use of alcoholic beverages, drugs (other than those appropriately prescribed), and/or tobacco products on or off campus.
“Training rules” are generally accepted as a condition of participation in student athletics, and may include attendance at practices, individual training programs, etc. Similar rules of rehearsal attendance and practice may apply to other extracurricular or co-curricular activities such as orchestra, band and theater.
Although suspension from participation in an extracurricular activity does not require a full hearing pursuant to Section 3214 of the Education Law, students must be given the opportunity to appear informally before the disciplinarian and/or disciplinary committee, and present their side of the story as part of a general discussion of the conduct under review.
The minimum requirements for grades and attendance are set forth in the Ichabod Crane High School Academic Extracurricular Regulations (5205-R), Attendance Policy (5100), and the Athletic Code of Conduct (5275).
Cross-ref: 0100 Equal Opportunity
5310 Code of Conduct
5100 Attendance Policy
5275 Athletic Code of Conduct
Ref: Education Law §§1709(3); 2801
Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., 594 U.S. __ (2021)
Bush v. Dassel-Cokato Board of Ed., 745 F. Supp. 562 (D. Minn. 1990) Matter of O’Conner v. Bd. of Ed., 65 Misc.2d 40 (1970)
Matter of Wilson, 28 EDR 254 (1988)
Matter of Keily, 24 EDR 138 (1984)
Matter of Miller, 23 EDR 23 (1983)
Matter of Moore, 22 EDR 180 (1982)
Matter of Clark, 21 EDR 542 (1982)
Matter of Vetter, 20 EDR 547 (1981)
Effective Date: December 3, 2024
***The Goal of the Ichabod Crane Academic Regulations are to encourage students to maintain an acceptable level of academic achievement. While extracurricular activities are an important part of a student’s experience, academics need to be the foundation of their success.
● Extracurricular activities that fall within Eligibility Standards
o Any performance and/or competition based club/activity, sport, or event that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of the school. A performance based club includes but is not limited to: cheerleading, Crane Acting Troupe, Model UN, Envirothon, etc.
o All other clubs/activities are not subject to Eligibility Standards. Participation in all other clubs is guided by their advisors and HS administration.
● Eligibility: The level of academic achievement that a student must maintain
Eligibility Standards:
● Tier 1 – Warning: Any student failing one (1) class at the end of each progress reporting period and report card period will receive a warning and his/her coach or advisor will be notified. These students will also meet with administration to discuss a plan for success. These students will be placed on a ‘warning list’ shared with all teachers in the event a student needs to be moved to a Tier 2 or Tier 3 list. The teacher of the class can make the determination if he/she wants that student to be placed in Homework Center.
● Tier 2 – Academic Probation: Any student failing two (2) classes at the end of each progress reporting period and report card period will be placed on Academic Probation. Students must attend after school remediation either with a teacher or Homework Center (2 days a week). Students are allowed to practice but cannot play in any games. If a student misses 2 or more after school days, he/she will be moved to Tier 3 until passing all of his/her classes. Students in a club may continue to participate but must attend after school remediation (2 days a week).
● Tier 3 – Academic Suspension: Any student failing three (3) or more classes will be placed on Academic Suspension. Students must attend after school remediation with either a teacher or in Homework Center until 3:30. Students will remain members of a team/club but are suspended from all extracurricular activities. In the event that a student misses two or more after school days for any reason, he/she will not be eligible for that sports season. Students in a club will be suspended for a period of time determined by a meeting with administration and that club advisor.
After School Remediation:
A student must either attend Homework Center or stay for an academic class two (2) times per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). The only exception is days in which after school is canceled or the bus for an away game leaves before after school remediation begins.
Moving Tiers:
Students that are in Tiers 2 or 3 will have their academic progress checked at the end of each week that falls in-between progress reports or report cards. In the case of a student becoming eligible to play, he/she will stay at Tier 1.
Middle School
Ichabod Crane recognizes the first priority of students’ education is successful academic achievement. Responsibility is one of the most important skills we can teach to our students. For this reason, the following policy has been adopted to help students maintain a standard of academic achievement.
Student academic performance is evaluated at each report card marking period (every 10 weeks). At any of these evaluation points a student who is failing one or more courses is placed on Academic Probation and is scheduled into the Extended Day Program or Homework Center sessions, as determined by the teacher teams for the next ten weeks.
Terms of Probation
1. Students will be placed in the Extended Day Program or Homework Center Sessions, as determined by the teacher teams during probation
2. Students MUST meet with the teacher(s) of the failing course(s) within the 1st week of being placed on Academic Probation to create a plan for success.
3. A letter home, along with a copy of this policy, will be sent home informing parents that their child has been placed on Academic Probation.
4. Students MUST attend the Extended Day Program, Homework Center, or be in attendance for extra help with his/her teacher if they are in attendance at school that day. If a student cannot attend, a written note from the parent/guardian must be submitted the next day. An unexcused absence will result in loss of eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.
5. While in Homework Center or Extended Day, students must be working productively and engaged. If not, this will result in extracurricular ineligibility.
6. The student will meet with the teacher(s) of the failing subject(s) on a weekly basis to fill out an academic progress sheet. They will get these in their homeroom and return them to the greeter when they are filled out. If not, this will result in extracurricular ineligibility.
7. Students who continue to attend the Extended Day Program or Homework Center are considered eligible for participation for the first 5 weeks on Academic Probation.
8. Students will be dismissed from the Extended Day Program or Extra Help Sessions, as determined by the teacher teams in time to attend away games or performances. 9. Students may attend practices or rehearsals at 3:00 p.m. if they have been actively engaged/working productively during the Extended Day session or Homework Center, as determined by supervisor of the session.
10. *The student’s progress will be reviewed by the teacher(s) and Building Principal at the next interim or report card (every 5 weeks). If the student is still not passing, he or she will not be eligible to play sports or participate in extracurricular activities until the next review period.
11. If a student is passing all courses at the next review date (5 weeks), he/she is determined to be off probation/fully eligible to participate in all activities.
Students who feel that they have extraordinary circumstances, may appeal their case to the Building Principal who will provide an opportunity for the student’s case to be heard by the Appeals Committee comprised of the Principal, the Athletic Director and/or the appropriate Extra-Curricular Advisor, and the teacher of the class(es) that the student failed. Each member has one vote. When a tie exists, the ultimate decision resides with the Principal.
Effective Date: December 3, 2024