5251 Student Fundraising Activities



The Board recognizes the importance of student activities and, at times, the necessity to raise funds to provide for various student activities, and therefore authorizes fundraising activities under the following circumstances:
1. Students must work with their faculty advisor to select the most appropriate fundraiser to support the desired activity. All fundraising activities, including official beginning and end times must be approved by the Building Principal.
2. Food items may not be sold to students during school hours.
3. All fundraising activities must be voluntary.
4. All funds raised must be handled in accordance with District and/or Central Treasurer established policies.

Off School Premises
Elementary students (K-5) are not permitted to solicit funds on a door to door basis. Students enrolled in grades 6-12 may fundraise on a door to door basis with supervision of the advisor or other adult, and must do so in groups of two or more students.

Ref: NYS Constitution, Article 8 §1
Education Law §414
8 NYCRR §§ 19.6 (Rules of the Board of Regents); 172.1 et seq. Appeal of Ponte, 38 EDR 280 (1998)
Guidelines Relating to Solicitation of Charitable Donations from School Children, SED, January 1994

Effective Date: September 4, 2012