5300 Digital Content on Mobile Communication Devices



The Board of education recognizes its responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly school  community, and further recognizes that computers and mobile communication devices  can be used inappropriately to disrupt the educational setting. A mobile communication  device is defined as any type of electronic device that has the potential for  communicating via our District Network Infrastructure (wired port or Wireless Access  Point) or by “cell service” to the District network or the Internet. Therefore, the Board  has established this policy to send clear guidance to parents, students, staff and the  community about its expectations regarding these issues.  

Students are forbidden from transmitting, receiving, possessing or displaying content that  could be classified as inappropriate and/or pornographic, or that could cause “bullying,”  as defined in the student code of conduct, policy #5310, on school property or at any  school function (including athletic, curricular or co-curricular field trips). Any student  who receives such content has a duty to inform a school official in a timely manner. 

The district recognizes that not all content originates, is transmitted, displayed or received on school property, however, in cases where such content or the presence of such content  causes a substantial disruption of the educational process, the district will investigate, and  if deemed appropriate by the school administrator, will take disciplinary action pursuant to the District Code of Conduct, policy #5310.  

In such cases in which inappropriate material as listed above is brought to the attention of  a school official, the following process will be followed: 

  1. Any school employee may direct a student to turn over a mobile communication  device. Failure to turn over a device as directed, or failure to turn over a device in a  fully functional condition, will be treated as gross insubordination, and disciplinary  action will be taken pursuant to the district’s code of conduct. 
  2. If a mobile communication device is confiscated, it will remain in possession of the  district until such time the matter is fully investigated, or such time as the matter is  resolved, as defined by the building and/or district administrator. 
  3. In a case where an administrator has reasonable suspicion that the code of conduct  has been violated, the confiscated mobile communication device will be searched by  a school official. The search will be conducted in the company of a second school  official and/or the District’s School Resource Officer. If at any time the district  official determines that the material on the phone is pornographic and/or highly  inappropriate or illegal, the district will consult law enforcement, and as deemed  appropriate, the district will turn over the mobile communication device to the proper  authorities. In such cases, district officials will fully comply with law enforcement  and/or the district attorney’s office, while simultaneously, conducting its own  investigation.
  4. School officials shall not download questionable materials from confiscated devices  on district owned computers or mobile communication devices without express  approval from the Superintendent of Schools, and/or if appropriate, law enforcement personnel. If deemed necessary by the Superintendent, more than one administrator  (or one administrator with the Director of IT) will fully document the time, date,  rationale and those in attendance when the material is downloaded. 
  5. Depending on the nature of the infraction and the level of the disruption, the  administrator will take appropriate disciplinary action pursuant to the District Code of  Conduct, policy #5310. 

Effective Date: April 9, 2013