5440.1 Alcohol/Alcohol Sensor Device Policy and Regulation



The Board of Education is committed to discouraging and eliminating use of alcohol by  students attending instruction or any other school functions or activities. Therefore, any  student for whom there is a reasonable suspicion of the consumption, possession, sale or  distribution of alcohol before or during the school day, prior to or during and extracurricular, interscholastic, or other school related function, whether conducted on or away  from school property, may be required to submit to an alcohol sensor test. This policy  shall be implemented in accordance with administrative regulations adopted for that  purpose. It is not the purpose of this policy to conduct random testing of students. The  Board of Education and administration intend to have this alcohol sensor policy serve as  a deterrent to students attending school or school functions from consuming alcohol. 

Effective Date: July 10, 2012



Any student, about whom there is a reasonable suspicion of the consumption, possession,  sale or distribution of alcohol before or during the school day, prior to or during any  extra-curricular, interscholastic, or other school-related function, whether conducted on  or away from school property, may be required to submit to an alcohol sensor test. The  following standards shall be adhered to: 

  1. A student about whom there is a reasonable suspicion of consumption of alcohol shall  be referred to the appropriate administrator for the purposes of an alcohol sensor  examination. A student shall be considered “under the influence” if he or she has  consumed alcohol within the time period reasonably proximate to his/her presence at a  school event or school related function; or in quantities that make consumption evident.  Indicia of reasonable suspicion may include, but will not be limited to, alcohol odor,  slurred speech, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, presence in the vicinity of an alcohol  container, bloodshot or glared eyes, or other information as is reasonable determined to  raise a reasonable suspicion as to alcohol consumption. 
  2. Alcohol sensor tests shall be administered only by the principal, assistant principal,  other administrator, or designee who has been trained in alcohol sensor test  administration. 
  3. There will be, where practicable, two people present when an observation checklist is  completed and the alcohol sensor test is administered. (For example, another school  administrator, teacher or teaching assistant) 
  4. The student will have two opportunities to take the alcohol sensor test. The initial test  may be administered at any time. A second test will be conducted fifteen minutes after  the first test has been administered. The results of the alcohol test will be documented  and attached to the observation checklist. 
  5. The student will be discretely escorted to a secure area where he/she will be kept in  observation and questioned regarding the concern of alcohol consumption. If the student  acknowledges having consumed alcohol, no alcohol sensor test will be administered. If  the student denies alcohol consumption, but it is determined that a reasonable suspicion  of alcohol consumption, nevertheless, exists, the test will be administered. 
  6. All alcohol sensor tests will be conducted in a secure location, to the extent possible,  away from other students. 
  7. Parents and/or guardians will be contacted regardless of test results, and will be  instructed to come to the school/activity and transport the student home if the student  tests positive.
  8. Students who test positive following an alcohol sensor test may be subjected to  disciplinary consequences as otherwise set forth in the policy or code of conduct. 
  9. Refusal to submit to the alcohol sensor test will be considered a positive test for  purposes of this policy. 
  10. The school District will work with any student and family with regard to counseling  and alcohol abuse education. 

Effective Date: July 10, 2012