6440 NIMAS Purchase of Alternative/Electronic Texts for Students



Kinderhook Central School District has chosen to coordinate with NIMAC (National Instructional Materials Access Center) in order to meet the specifications of NIMAS (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard) as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 

Kinderhook CSD agrees to provide a contract requiring textbook vendors to produce NIMAS files and send them to NIMAC. This contract shall state: 

“By agreeing to deliver the materials marked with “NIMAS” on this contract or purchase order, the publisher agrees to submit a valid NIMAS file sent to NIMAC at the American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (APH). Should the vendor be a distributor of the materials and not the publisher, the distributor agrees to immediately notify the publisher of its obligation to submit NIMAS file sets of the purchased products to NIMAC. This is page____of_____of this contract or purchase order.” 

When ordering print/text materials Kinderhook CSD will review its current SPED population (in collaboration with the Director of Special Education Services) to consider the implications on the current order. If it is determined that alternative formats are needed, publishers/vendors in the current order will be required to provide electronic files to NIMAC. 

When an electronic/alternate format is provided, the special education teacher, in cooperation with the educational technology support specialist, will download and/or convert it to be provided in accordance with the provisions of the students Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). 

The determination to provide alternative/electronic texts to students at Kinderhook CSD will be made by the Committee on Special Education. When the Committee on Special Education identifies a new student entering KINDERHOOK CSD as needing such texts, 

NIMAC will be contacted immediately to coordinate the provision of the appropriate instructional materials. 

The Director of Special Education Services will ensure that alternative/electronic texts are provided in a timely manner whenever a determination has been made by the CSE concerning an individual child’s Individualized Educational Plan. 

Mandated Policy 

Effective Date: April 1, 2014