6741 Contracting for Professional Services



The Board of Education will make certain that professional services are secured in a  manner that protects the integrity of the process, ensures the prudent use of taxpayer dollars and  provides a high quality standard of service, in accordance with law and regulation. Professional  services are defined as services requiring special skill and/or training, such as legal services,  medical services, auditing services, property appraisals or insurance. 

Purchasing professional services does not require competitive bidding. The Board directs  the Superintendent to take measures to ensure that a highly qualified professional is secured  through the prudent and economical use of public money, which may include: 

  1. reviewing trade journals; 
  2. checking professional listings; and/or 
  3. inquiring of other districts or other appropriate sources. 

The designated district staff will prepare a comprehensive written request for proposals  (RFP), which will contain critical details of the services sought. The RFP will specify that the  proposal include the structure of the relationship between the district and the provider, including,  if applicable, the terms of the retainer, the hourly fees and other associated costs.  

In reviewing the RFPs, the district will consider, at a minimum, the following factors: 

  1. the suitability of the individual/firm for the district’s needs; 
  2. the special knowledge or expertise of the individual/firm; 
  3. the credentials and applicable certifications of the individual/firm;
  4. the quality of the service provided by the individual/firm; 
  5. cost; 
  6. the staffing available from the firm or the time available from the individual; 

The district will periodically, issue professional service RFPs and may conduct  interviews as part of the RFP process. The written proposals submitted by applicants shall be  maintained for at least six years. The Board will review at the annual organizational meeting a  list of professional service providers who may require an RFP and dates of service to the district. 

The Superintendent, after a thorough review of the proposals, in consultation with the  committees of the Board of Education and/or Business Manager will recommend the  professional service provider best suited to the district to the Board of Education for its approval. Regardless of when during the year the professional service provider was engaged by the Board,  at the annual organizational meeting the Board will appoint the attorney, physician, external  auditor, or other professional, as applicable. Professional service providers selected and  appointed in this manner will not be considered employees of the district. 

The Superintendent is charged with developing administrative procedures to implement  this policy. 

Cross-Ref: 2210, Board Annual Organizational Meeting 
Ref: General Municipal Law § 104-b 
2 NYCRR §§ 315.2, 315.3 
Trane Co. v Broome County, 76 A.D.2d 1015 
Appeal of Lombardo, 38 Educ. Dept. Rep. 730 
Opn. St. Comp. 92-33 

Effective Date: February 3, 2015