6750.2 Amazon Purchasing




The intent of the procedures below is to provide the District the ability to purchase items from Amazon. Policy 6750 prohibits the use of credit cards. Since Amazon does not accept Purchase Orders (PO), this policy authorizes the Business Manager to establish a credit account with Amazon not to exceed a cumulative balance of $10,000. The following procedures are intended to apply only to the purchasing of items from Amazon, while adhering to the internal controls as established by the District’s purchasing policy (6700). 

Amazon Purchasing Procedures 

Credit Limit: $10,000 

  1. Adhere to all the purchasing guidelines as established in Policy 6700 
  2. If Amazon is the vendor selected, determine the final cost of the order (include shipping if applicable) 
  3. Select Amazon as the vendor in the District’s financial management system using the appropriate budget code 
  4. Enter all order Amazon order details in Requisitions, including: 
    1. Total order amount 
    2. Include Shipping 
    3. Include item details, such as product name, number or link 
  5. PO approval will follow normal Requisition protocols 
  6. If approved, Central Office (CO) designee will log into District’s Amazon credit account and place order as indicated on PO 
  7. CO will forward PO and copy of order confirmation to person placing Requisition. 8. Amazon order is received and checked-in via normal purchasing procedures 9. PO, order confirmation, invoice, and packing slips are forwarded to CO for payment 

Payment Information 

Please submit PO for payment to CO within 60-days of when item is received. Amazon payments will follow current bi-weekly Accounts Payable schedule. For further details, refer to the Payroll Schedule. Orders not paid in full within 60-days of receipt will be assessed interest by Amazon. All interest payments will be paid from the code in which the order derived. 

Effective Date: April 5, 2016