6870 Participant Directed Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts



Plan Types and Participation 

The District will provide employees the opportunity to voluntarily contribute salary deferrals  to participant directed tax deferred retirement investment plan(s). The District will offer  employees the following defined contribution plans: 403(b) and 457(b). Employee is defined  as any person holding a provisionally or permanently appointed position.  

Employee/Participant and District Responsibilities 

Both the 403(b) and 457(b) plans provide employees with the ability to exercise control over  the investment of their plan asset account pursuant to all applicable federal laws and  regulations. An employee may actively participate in both plans simultaneously. The  District does not endorse either plan and all participants are solely responsible for their  investment choices. District will transmit funds from payroll deduction as authorized for  investment to the Plan Custodian within a timeframe that is administratively practicable. The  cash value or performances of any participant’s funds placed into either plan are not  guaranteed by the District in any manner whatsoever. The choice to place funds into or  remove funds from the plan, any investment options chosen, decisions made on any advice,  or lack thereof, rendered by consultants or others for any reason, and the responsibility for  the performance of any investments undertaken by any participant resides entirely with the  Participant. 

Plan Management 

The 403(b) plan will be administered by a Plan Custodian and Investment Manager(s) as  selected by the District. A committee of District stakeholders will meet annually to review  the 403(b) plan. The committee of stakeholders will include the Business Manager and  District Treasurer, plus a representative from the following employee groups: ICTA, CSEA,  ICAA, Nurses Association, District Supervisors, and Management/Confidential. 

The 457(b) plan will be offered through the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan.  The NYS Deferred Compensation Plan is a State sponsored 457(b) plan offered to NYS  employees and employees of participating agencies. 

The District’s Business Manager will serve in the capacity of Plan Administrator for both the  403(b) and 457(b) plans. 

Effective Date: March 31, 2015