7000 Facilities Development Goals



In meeting its goals of high quality education and fiscal responsibility, the Board of Education will strive to develop district facilities in a manner that addresses economic concerns, quality education needs, safety, durability, maintenance, insurance and flexibility. 

Accordingly, the Board establishes the following broad goals for facilities development: 

  1. Integrate facilities planning with other aspects of district planning in a comprehensive program designed to support the Board’s mission statement and vision. 2. Address state learning standards and student educational needs in developing educational specifications for school buildings. 
  2. Design facilities and provide adequate school space for sufficient flexibility to permit program modification or the introduction of new programs and services. 4. Involve the community, district staff and experts in facilities development. 5. Design economically feasible facilities that meet student educational needs. 6. Seek all possible mechanisms for financing school facilities. 7. Consider the adaptability of school facilities for community use. 

The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for establishing procedures to implement these goals and shall provide a status report to the board annually. 

Cross Ref: 7100, Facilities Planning Development Goals 

7200, Financing Facilities Development 

Ref: 8 NYCRR 14.1 (School Buildings and Grounds General Requirements) 8 NYCRR 155 (Educational Facilities) 

Effective Date: December 6, 2022