7810 Closing of Facilities



The Board of Education will seek both professional and community advice concerning any contemplated closing of any school facility due to aged, condition, size, or other considerations. 

An advisory committee shall be formed at least six months in advance of a proposed closing, with membership comprising Board members, appropriate administrative staff, teachers, parents, community a business representatives, and an architect(s) and/or other professionally-trained experts in evaluating building condition/use. 

Such committee will prepare an educational impact study statement. The study shall consider all or some of the following: 

  1. the age and condition of the building, and projected repair or rehabilitation costs to keep it in use; 
  2. enrollment projections and district demographic pattern; 
  3. projected short-term and long-range fiscal ramifications of the closing
  4. the capacity of other district facilities to absorb students, staff and programs displaced by the closing; 
  5. the impact of closing on district staffing requirements; 
  6. the impact on student safety, including distances and routes traveled to and from school; 
  7. the historic value of the building; and 
  8. the relationship of the closing to the district’s long-range plan. 

Pursuant to section 402-a of the Education Law, after filing of the statement, the district will publish and post notification of the proposed closing and circulation of the notice to elected state and public officials who represent the affected communities. 

After publication of the suggested notice pursuant to section 402-a, and within 60 days of the issuance of the educational impact statement, the Board shall hold a public hearing to evaluate the proposed closing on the affected district. Among the factors to be considered at the hearing are those discussed in the educational impact statement and alternatives may be presented by interested parties. 

The Board shall render its decision on the closing of the building at a regular or special meeting. 

Cross-ref: 2260 Advisory Committees to the Board 

Ref: Education Law §§1604; 1709 

Effective Date: October 7, 2014