8120.2 Safe Use of Hazardous Chemicals



It is the policy of the Board of Education to ensure that the district’s educational chemistry laboratory activities protect and promote the health and safety of students, employees and the environment. 

To this end, the Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop regulations ensuring that all chemistry laboratories promote a safe and stimulating learning environment. Such regulations shall at least meet the minimum standards required by federal and state law. 

All participants in any hazardous laboratory activity must wear an eye safety device and all schools must provide safe storage and protection of all chemicals and prepare annual inventory reports. 

The district shall implement a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) to limit exposures to hazardous chemical which meets the following standards required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 

  1. The plan is readily available for inspection; 
  2. It includes standard operating procedures for health and safety to be followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals; 
  3. It includes criteria used to implement chemical exposure control measures;
  4. It includes requirements for properly functioning protective equipment;’
  5. It provides for employee training and information; 
  6. It includes procedures for obtaining district approval for specific procedures and activities 
  7. It includes provisions for medical consultation and examinations as appropriate;
  8. It designates personnel responsible for implementing the plan. The Superintendent will determine whether the establishment of a CHC is appropriate and report to the Board with his/her recommendations; 
  9. It provides for additional employee protection for work with potentially hazardous substances; 
  10. It provides for a waste disposal program; and 
  11. It shall include provisions for district review and update of the CHP on an annual basis. 

Ref: Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 29 CFR 1910 

Education Law §§305(19); 409-a 

Effective Date: July 7, 2015