The Board of Education, in order to promote and ensure the health and safety of all the students and staff, adopts the following policy on hygiene and sanitary procedures for dealing with exposure to and contact with blood and other body fluids.
To prevent and/or minimize the transmission of contagious or communicable diseases or infections within the school community, all employees of the school district shall utilize universal precautions when dealing with situations that involve exposure to blood and other body fluids. Such precautionary measures will be followed uniformly in all instances and shall be applicable in all buildings and facilities throughout the school district.
The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for developing appropriate procedures to implement this policy and for informing all staff of such procedures and ensuring compliance with them. Compliance is achieved with the district Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan and annual mandatory training for all employees via online or workshop presentations. Failure by any employee to meet district compliance or participate in mandatory training may form the basis for disciplinary action.
Effective Date: December 1, 2015
The following procedures shall be followed by designated employees when providing first aid. All other employees dealing with situations where there is the possibility for exposure to or contact with blood or other bodily fluids shall follow universal precaution procedures identified in the district Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan.
- Except in extraordinary, life-threatening circumstances, designated employees must wear rubber gloves to prevent contact with blood or other body fluids when treating or cleaning open cuts, scrapes, abrasions, etc. or spills of blood or other body fluids.
- All spills of blood or other body fluids should be cleaned up first with an approved disinfectant solution or soap and water and then with a ten percent (10%) solution of household bleach. Gloves shall be worn throughout the cleanup process.
- If possible, feces should be disposed of in a toilet with normal flushing. All disposable materials, including gloves and contaminated material used in the cleanup process, should be placed in a plastic bag, sealed and disposed of in the regular trash.
- Mops and reusable items used to cleanup spills shall be disinfected with the bleach solution and then washed out and before storage or reuse.
- Toys and/or other personal non-disposable items should be cleaned with the approved disinfectant or disinfected with the bleach solution before reuse by another person or being stored away. It is recommended that all non-disposable items be double bagged and sent home with the student where they can be cleaned.
- All designated employees must wash their hands with disinfectant soap and water after performing any first aid or cleaning up any spill of blood or other body fluid.
- A “hygiene kit” consisting of rubber gloves and band-aids shall be maintained in all classrooms of the Primary, Elementary and Middle Schools. The school nurse of those buildings shall periodically check the status of each hygiene kit in the building and replenish as needed. An additional supply of rubber gloves and band-aids shall be maintained in the nursing office in each school building or in the appropriate supervisor’s office at other locations.
Effective Date: December 1, 2015