8130.1 Extreme Risk Protection Orders (Red Flag Law)



(The “Red Flag Law”) 

Extreme risk protection orders are court orders that restrict the ability of a person, who is judged  likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious physical harm to him/herself or others, to  purchase or possess firearms, rifles or shotguns, or attempt to do so. 

Under state law, Building Principals are permitted to petition the state Supreme Court for  extreme risk protection orders for students currently enrolled in their building, or students who  were enrolled in their building in the six months immediately before filing the petition (referred  to in this policy as “currently-enrolled” and “recently-enrolled” students, respectively). 

When district staff members have reason to believe, either personally or through information  received by others, that a currently-enrolled or recently-enrolled student is likely to engage in  conduct that would result in serious physical harm to him/herself or others, they are expected to  report their concerns to the Building Principal or his/her designee. This is in keeping with  employees’ general responsibility for student safety, as well as their own interests for  maintaining a safe working and learning environment. 

Any other person, including but not limited to students, parents, and community members, may  also bring their concerns to the Building Principal or his/her designee that a currently-enrolled or  recently-enrolled student is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious physical harm  to him/herself or others. 

If the Building Principal or his/her designee is absent from the building, the Superintendent of  Schools will be the main point of contact to report concerns. 

When a Building Principal or his/her designee (or the Superintendent of Schools should the  Building Principal or his/her designee be absent from the building) receives concerns from  persons under this policy, or has his/her own concerns about a student, he/she must immediately  notify the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent will contact the school attorney, and  both will assist the Building Principal in determining the appropriateness of petitioning the court  for an extreme risk protection order. 

When determining whether it is appropriate to petition the court for an extreme risk protection  order, the district may consider, among other things, the following factors as they relate to the student: 

  1. Threats or acts of violence or physical force made against him/herself or another person;
  2. Violating or allegedly violating orders of protection (i.e., restraining orders);
  3. Pending criminal convictions or charges involving weapons; 
  4. Recklessly using, displaying, or brandishing a firearm, rifle or shotgun;
  5. Violating previous extreme risk protection orders; 
  6. Evidence of recent or current drug or alcohol abuse; and
  7. Evidence that the student has recently acquired a firearm, rifle, shotgun, other deadly  weapon (including but not limited to knives, clubs, and metal knuckles), dangerous  instrument (including items capable of causing death or serious physical injury, when  used for that purpose), or ammunition. 

Additionally, the Building Principal is directed to contact local law enforcement, in accordance  with the Code of Conduct, district-wide school safety plan, and building-level emergency  response plan. 

In consultation with the Superintendent and school district attorney, the Building Principal may  designate, in writing, certain other employees at that school to petition the court for the extreme risk protection order. Such employees include: the Superintendent, teachers, school guidance  counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school nurse, any other personnel  required to hold a teaching or administrative license or certificate, and certain coaches (those  who are full- or part-time paid employees required to hold either a temporary coaching license or  professional coaching certificate). 

Under Education Law section 3023, the district must defend and indemnify employees against  lawsuits for negligence, accidental bodily injury or property damage where the employee is  performing his/her duties within the scope of employment. 

The Superintendent or his/her designee is directed to take appropriate steps to notify district staff  of the provisions of this policy. This includes ensuring that employees are trained and  knowledgeable about when and how to properly utilize the law to best protect the school from  violence. Staff will be notified of who is designated to file extreme risk protection orders in the  building or district. 


5300, Code of Conduct 

8130, School Safety Plans and Teams 


Civil Practice Law and Rules Article 63-A 

Education Law §3023 

Effective Date: March 3, 2020