8210.1 Use of Surveillance Cameras on School Property



The Board of Education is responsible for maintaining and fostering student discipline, as well as  safeguarding the facilities and property of the district. The Board further recognizes the importance of  student, staff and visitor privacy. After careful consideration, the Board supports the use of surveillance  cameras on school grounds. Cameras are an important component of the district’s overall approach to  safety, which also includes but is not limited to: identification badges, locks, lighting, and alarms.  Surveillance cameras are intended to monitor student behavior, promote student and staff safety, and to  deter vandalism and other criminal activity. However, this does not preclude other uses deemed  appropriate by the Board of Education. Recordings may be used as evidence of misconduct in  disciplinary proceedings. 

District surveillance cameras will only be used in public areas where there is no “reasonable  expectation of privacy.” Audio recordings shall not be utilized by school district employees without the  express permission of the Superintendent or his/her designee; however, such prohibition does not  preclude the use of audio recordings by law enforcement officials in accordance with their duties and/or  as otherwise authorized by law. 

Any video recording used for surveillance purposes in school buildings and/or on school property  shall be the sole property of the district. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be the custodian of  such recordings. All video recordings will be stored in their original form and secured to avoid tampering  and protect confidentiality. The district shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to  student records in retaining these recordings.  

Requests to view a video recording must be made in writing to the Superintendent or his/her  designee. If the request is granted, viewing shall occur in the presence of the district’s custodian of the  recording. Under no circumstances will the video be duplicated and/or removed from district premises,  unless in accordance with a court order and/or subpoena. 

The district will post appropriate signage at entrances to the school notifying students, staff and  the general public of the district’s use of surveillance cameras. Students and staff will receive additional  notification. Such notification may include publication in the district calendar, employee handbook and  student handbook. 

The Superintendent is authorized to develop such regulations and procedures as may be necessary to  implement this policy. 

Ref: 20 U.S.C. §1232g (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) 

Arts & Cultural Affairs Law Art. 57-A 

Public Officers Law §87 

Records Retention & Disposition Schedules for Use by School Districts, Schedule ED-1

Effective Date: February 4, 2014