8220 Buildings And Grounds Maintenance and Inspection



To accommodate the district’s educational program, the Board of Education is committed to  providing suitable and adequate facilities. To this end, proper maintenance and inspection  procedures are essential. The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to ensure that proper  maintenance and inspection procedures are developed for every school building.  

Consistent with federal and state law and regulations, the following items will be included in the  district’s buildings and grounds maintenance and inspection procedures:  

Comprehensive Maintenance Plan 

A comprehensive District-wide maintenance plan (Building Conditions Survey) for all major  building systems will be managed to ensure the facilities are maintained in a state of good repair.  The plan will include provisions for a least toxic approach to integrated pest management and  establish maintenance procedures and guidelines which will contribute to acceptable indoor air  quality. The plan shall be available for public inspection. 

Procedures will also be established to ensure the safety of building occupants during  maintenance activities including standards for exiting and ventilation, asbestos and lead  protocols, noise abatement and control of chemical fumes, gases and other contaminants. 

Building Condition Surveys 

Each occupied district building will be assessed every five years by a building condition survey  on a schedule established by the State Education Department (SED). This survey will be  conducted by a team that includes at least one licensed architect or engineer and will include a  list of all program spaces and inspection of building system components for evidence of  movement, deterioration, structural failure, probable useful life, need for repair and maintenance  and need for replacement. Building condition survey reports will be completed and submitted to  the Commissioner of Education by the deadlines established by SED. 

Visual Inspections  

A visual inspection of building system components in each occupied district building will take  place when required by the State of Commissioner of Education. The inspection will be  conducted by a team including a local code enforcement official, the Facilities Director or his/her  designee and a member of the Health and Safety Committee. The inspection report will be made  available to the public. 

A corrective action plan will be developed by a licensed architect or engineer if a deficiency  exists in the building.

Fire Safety Inspections 

An annual inspection for fire and safety hazards will be conducted in accordance with a schedule  established by the Commissioner of Education. The inspection will be conducted by a qualified  fire inspector and the report will be kept in the district office. Any violation of the State Uniform  Fire Prevention and Building Code shall be corrected immediately or within a time frame  approved by the Commissioner. 

Safety Rating System 

A safety rating keyed to the structural integrity and overall safety of each occupied school  building will be provided on an annual basis in consultation with the Health and Safety  Committee. Safety ratings will be based on the safety rating system developed by the  Commissioner and will comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements. 

District personnel or designee shall, on an on-going basis, undertake their own inspections of  school buildings and grounds, searching for any dangerous or hazardous conditions and take  immediate steps to remedy the problem. 

Cross-Ref.: 8110, School Building Safety 

8115, Pesticides and Pest Management 

Ref: 29 CFR § 1910 et seq (OSHA Hazard Communication) 

40 CFR Part 763 (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act)  

Education Law §409-d (Comprehensive Public School Safety Program); §409-e (Uniform  Code of Public School Buildings Inspections, Safety Rating and Monitoring); §807-a (Fire  Inspections) 

Labor Law §§ 875-883(toxic substances) 

Public Health Law §4800-4808 (Right to Know, toxic substances) 

Environmental Conservation Law §33-0725 (Pesticides) 

6 NYCRR Part 325 (Pesticides) 

8 NYCRR §155.1(Educational Facilities); 155.4 (Uniform Code of Public School Buildings  Inspection, Safety Rating and Monitoring); 155.8 (Fire and Building Safety Inspections)  9 NYCRR Parts 600-1250 (Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code) 

12 NYCRR Part 56 (Industrial Code Rule concerning asbestos) 

Appeal of Anibaldi, 33 Educ. Dep’t Rep. 166 (1993) (district required to monitor student’s  physical symptoms when air quality caused health problems) 

Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based point Hazards in Housing, U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington D.C., June 1995) IPM Workbook for New York State Schools, Cornell Cooperative Extension Community  IPM Program with support from New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation,  August 1998 

Effective Date: December 7, 2021