The Board of Education affirms its goal of providing a safe and economical transportation system for district students. Transportation shall be provided at district expense to those students who are eligible as authorized by the Board.
The major objectives in the management of the student transportation program shall include the following:
- to provide efficient, effective and safe service;
- to ensure that all students whose disability or distance from school requires them to receive necessary transportation do, in fact, receive it;
- to adapt the system to the demands of the instructional program;
- to maintain transportation vehicles in the best possible condition;
- to review at least once a year school bus schedules and routing plans to ensure that maximum efficiency and safety are maintained; and
- to review at least once a year the eligibility for transportation of students residing in the district, to ensure that all entitled to the services receive them; 7. to provide late bus transportation to resident students, the extent to which will be determined by the Board’s adoption of the Annual Budget.
The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for administering the transportation program. The program shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies established by federal, state and local authorities.
Ref: Education Law §§305(14); 1501-b; 1807; 3602(7); 3623 3635 et seq. Matter of Handicapped Child, 24 EDR 41
Matter of Zakrezewski, 22 EDR 391
Matter of Nowak, 22 EDR 91
Matter of Fox, 19 EDR 439
Effective date: February 2, 2016