The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to maintain and improve discipline and to insure the safety and welfare of its staff and students on school transportation vehicles.
After having carefully considered and balanced the rights of privacy with the district’s duty to ensure discipline, health, welfare and safety of staff and students on school transportation vehicles, the Board authorizes the use of video cameras on its school buses.
Video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities.
Students in violation of bus conduct rules shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established Board policy and regulations governing student conduct and discipline.
The district shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to student records when such recordings are considered for retention as part of the student’s record.
Video recordings shall be used primarily for the purpose of evidence for disciplining of students. However, the district may use such recordings for any other purpose it deems appropriate.
The Superintendent of Schools is directed to develop regulations governing the use of video cameras in accordance with the provision of law and established Board policies and regulations.
Ref: 20 U.S.C. §1232g (FERPA)
Arts & Cultural Affairs Law, Art. 57-A (Local Government Records Law) Public Officers Law §87
8 NYCRR Part 156.9(d)
Records Retention & Disposition Schedules for Use by School Districts, Schedule ED-1 (1991)
Effective Date: January 8, 2013
The following regulation will govern the use of video cameras on school buses:
- Video cameras will be used on school buses transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities at the discretion of the Transportation Supervisor.
- Staff and students are prohibited from tampering or otherwise interfering with video camera equipment.
- The district will notify students, their parents or guardians, and staff at the beginning of each school year that video cameras may be used on school buses transporting students to and from school and extracurricular activities. The notice will include a copy of the Board of Education’s video camera policy and regulations.
- Video recordings will be maintained as long as the district deems it necessary to do so.
- The district will comply with the provisions of federal law regarding student records requirements as applicable in the district’s use of video recordings. Video recordings considered for retention as part of a student’s record will be maintained in accordance with established student record procedures governing access, review and release of student and other school district records.
- All video recordings will be stored and secured to avoid tampering and ensure confidentiality.
- A written log will be maintained of the date the recording was made, the vehicle video recorded, name of driver, the date of viewing, and the signature of the viewer.
- Video recordings will be stored for 30 days after initial recording, whereupon such recordings may be released for erasure.
- Review of video recordings will be conducted by the Transportation Supervisor and the Building Principal or his/her designee.
- Viewing will be permitted only at school-related sites including the transportation office, school buildings, or central administrative offices.
Effective Date: January 8, 2013