The Board of Education recognizes that the nutrition of district students is an important factor in their educational progress. The Board therefore shall participate in federally funded school lunch programs, and shall provide free or reduced price food services to qualified district students.
Availability, Application & Notification:
Notice of the availability of the free and reduced price meal programs will be sent to the homes of students, local media, the local unemployment office and large employers experiencing layoffs in the area from which the district draws its attendance. Any child who is a member of a family unit whose income is below the federally established scale shall be eligible to receive such services.
To apply for the free or reduced meal program:
- Application forms will be available in the main office of each school building and on the district web site and can be completed and submitted at any time during the year.
- Completed forms must be submitted to the cafeteria staff or main office of the school which the student attends. All forms will be forwarded to the Food Service Manager for determination of eligibility.
- The parent or guardian will be informed of the Food Service Manager’s determination within one week of receiving a properly completed application.
Applications will be kept confidential.
Upon written request, the Business Manager will hear appeals of determinations regarding such services in compliance with federal regulations governing the National School Lunch Program.
In addition, in order to reach students who are eligible for free and reduced price meals and to comply with state law, three times per school year the Food Service Manager will review the list made available by the State Education Department of children ages three to 18 who are in households receiving federal food assistance or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to identify students within the district. The district will send a notice to those families apprising them of their student’s eligibility to participate in the school meal programs without further application. Parents may decline participation by informing the district in writing. If the service is declined, the student will be removed from the eligibility list.
The Building Principal in conjunction with the Food Service Manager will establish meal time procedures that both protect the anonymity of the student and allow for proper accounting.
Ref: National School Lunch Act of 1946, as amended, (42 U.S.C. §§1751-1760) Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended, (42 USC §§1771 et seq.)
7 CFR Part 245 (245.2, Definitions; 245.5, public announcement; 245.6, categorical eligibility and direct certification/verification.)
Social Services Law §95(7)
Effective Date: February 4, 2014