9420 Evaluation of Staff



The Board of Education believes that the regular, rigorous and meaningful evaluation of all staff is necessary to continuously improve the achievement of students and the operation of the district. To this end, the Superintendent of Schools is responsible for ensuring that all district employees are evaluated annually and receive appropriate levels of support based upon that evaluation, if necessary, to improve their skills. 


All administrators, other than building principals who are covered by Education Law §§3012-c and 3012-d, will be evaluated annually by the Superintendent in accordance with this policy, applicable state law, regulation and collective bargaining agreements. 

Professional Employees (not covered by 3012-c and 3012-d) 

All professional employees (non-classroom teachers providing instructional services or pupil personnel services, counselors, school psychologists and social workers) will be evaluated annually in accordance with state law and regulation, as well as any applicable collective bargaining agreement and the district’s Part 100.2(o) Professional Performance Review Plan. 

The plan will include the required regulatory elements such as: (a) criteria for evaluating teachers and other professional employees, (b) assessment methods, (c) how quality rating categories/criteria will be used to differentiate professional development, compensation and promotion; (d) how timely and constructive feedback from evaluations will be provided; (e) plans to improve teacher performance for those rated ineffective; and (f) training for evaluators. 

The Superintendent or designee will collaborate with teachers, pupil personnel professionals, administrators and parents in developing the plan, which may be a multi-year plan. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for selecting those individuals to collaborate with in the development of the plan. The Superintendent or designee will meet with a group of such individuals at least once each year to determine if changes are necessary after its initial adoption. 

The Superintendent will submit the district’s Professional Performance Review Plan, with any recommended changes, to the Board at its organizational meeting. At that meeting, the Board may request that the Superintendent reconsider or reexamine certain aspects of the plan, in which case, the Superintendent will resubmit the plan at the Board’s first regular meeting in August. 

The Board will provide members of parent organizations and the president of the applicable bargaining units the opportunity to comment on the plan, prior to its adoption, at a meeting at which the plan is considered. The Board must approve the plan before itbecomes effective. The approved plan for each school year will be available in the district offices by September 10 of each year. 

Each year, the Superintendent will provide a report to the State Education Department on information related to the district’s efforts to address the performance of non-classroom teachers rated ineffective. 

Support Staff 

Support staff (those staff not required to be evaluated under the Professional Performance Review Plan) will be evaluated annually in accordance with any applicable collective bargaining agreement and this policy. 


The Superintendent will ensure that all staff that are required to evaluate other staff are provided appropriate and sufficient training in assessment and evaluation, in accordance with state law and regulation. 

Ref: Education Law §§3012-c; 3012-d 

8 NYCRR §100.2(o) (Professional Performance Review Plans) 

Effective Date: January 10, 2023