The district recognizes its obligations under The Safe Schools against Violence in Education Legislation of 2000 and Education Law 305(30) & 305(33) and as defined in the Commissioners Regulations at 8 NYCRRR section 87.2(k) and under section 15 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles “Initial Employment Investigations and Inquiries for All Bus Drivers”. The district shall fingerprint prospective employees as stipulated by law and regulation, unless said prospective employee has been fingerprinted pursuant to the aforementioned law and regulation. In cases where the individual has been fingerprinted, they shall be required to submit appropriate paperwork as defined by the district to be eligible for employment. With the exception of volunteer coaches, all prospective employees will be responsible to pay all state processing fees associated with the fingerprinting process.
Effective Date: May 2, 2017