The message below was sent to all K-12 families on the afternoon of June 4, 2021.

The weekend forecast shows a heatwave approaching our area. While it is good news we will have sunny weather after a rainy Memorial Day and week, I know it can be a worry when the weather suddenly warms while classes are still in session. 

The district has heat index protocols based on combined monitoring of building humidity and temperature levels. These go into effect when anticipating abnormally hot weather and will be in place over the coming weekend in preparation for students returning on Monday. For this weekend and the remainder of June we will be monitoring building temperatures in addition to taking the following measures:  

  • Utilizing the building automation system to take advantage of cooler nighttime air by running ventilation beginning at midnight each evening.  
  • Exhaust fans will run 24/7, including overnight to circulate cooler nighttime air throughout the buildings.
  • Window shades will be kept down in rooms when hot weather is anticipated including over this weekend. 
  • Allow outdoor student activities only when heat index temperatures safely permit them.
  • Provide for more frequent mask breaks while students are socially distanced (6 feet). 

Even though we will monitor heat index levels for the remainder of the year and have these protocols in place, there are chance schedules could be impacted by the weather. Should the heat index reach unsafe levels we may need to have a full remote learning day or dismiss students early. Should those measures become necessary, we will inform families with as much notice as possible.